Last year successfully completed for our country, all tasks were performed, and sustainable development and stability were ensured. The reforms made by the President Ilham Aliyev are highly appreciated and supported by our people. Our country is in the leading position throughout the world for its of socio-economic growth.
This was discussed in detail at the next board meeting held at the State Committee for Refugees and IDPs of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Making a speech at the meeting with the President Ilham Aliyev on the duties arising out of the consultation regarding the outcome of 2019, Chairman of the State Committee said that the social package, implemented last year at the initiative of the head of our state, covered 4,2 million people. In addition, the amount of single monthly allowance provided to IDPs was increased by 50%. Last year, up to five thousand internally displaced families were provided with new houses and apartments. The IDPs still living under the most severe conditions will be relocated to new apartments in the first place at the instruction of the First Vice President Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva.
Reports of the central office, departments of the Committee and subordinate organizations on the outcome of 2019 were discussed and the board`s work plan for 2020 was approved at the board meeting.
Appropriate decisions were adopted on the issues discussed at the board.