On December 30, a new residential neighborhood was commissioned for IDPs in Goygol. Chairman of the State Committee for Refugees and IDPs Rovshan Rzayev, Head of Goygol Executive Power Arif Seyidov and Director of IDP Social Development Fund Mahir Abbaszada, as well as public representatives and IDPs attended the opening ceremony.
Successes made in the socio-economic development of our country as a result of the policy pursued and reforms implemented by the President Ilham Aliyev are consistent. Consequently, the scope of work done to improve the living conditions and strengthen social protection of the people suffered from war, including IDPs, is expanding year by year. Over the past two years, 13 settlements and a building with all necessary social and technical infrastructures have been built and commissioned in the country. In general, the housing and living conditions of more than 300 thousands of IDPs – more than 62 thousands of families have been improved by now. It is planned to provide up to 7 thousands of internally displaced families with new houses and apartments next year.
Instruction given by the First Vice President Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva, who pays particular attention to the social problems of IDPs regarding relocation of families still temporarily living under the most severe conditions and in damaged buildings and structures, which are quite dangerous for life to new apartments in the first place, is being implemented. By the call of Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva, the private sector started to contribute to the problem of IDP regarding housing. The number of business entities joining this initiative, which is also supported by the head of our state, is growing.
Speaking at the opening ceremony in Goygol, Chairman of the State Committee Rovshan Rzayev conveyed the congratulations of the head of our state on the occasion of the World Azerbaijanis Solidarity Day and New Year and wished them happy and peaceful life in new apartments. Great confidence was expressed that the day when IDPs will return to their homeland is not so far away. The decisive policy of the head of state will soon result in the restoration of Azerbaijan`s territorial integrity.
In his speech, Head of Goygol Executive Power Arif Seyidov said that local authorities treat in a sensitive way to every appeal of IDPs temporarily settled in Goygol and necessary assistance was provided to them, and the housing problems of the IDPs living in regional area of the newly commissioned neighborhood was completely resolved.
The neighborhood containing 3 residential buildings, each of which is 5-storey is the 110th settlement with all necessary social and technical infrastructures built for refugees and IDPs in the country. Construction of the neighborhood planned for 130 internally displaced families was carried out within the measures provided for in the “State Program on improvement of living conditions and increasing employment of refugees and IDPs”. The neighborhood was designed and built by IDP Social Development Fund (IDPSDF) of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Construction work on the allotted 1,5 hectares of land area started in August 2019. 15 out of the apartments of buildings in the neighborhood are single room, 55 two-room, 50 three-room and 10 four-room. It is planned to relocate here the IDPs temporarily settled in dormitories and other administrative buildings in Goygol.
Renovation and planting of greenery work was performed, roads and a sanitary cleaning area were built in the neighborhood.
Relocation of IDPs to new apartments started on the eve of the New Year.