A new residential complex was commissioned in Shirvan for IDPs on December 27. Chairman of the State Committee for Refugees and IDPs Rovshan Rzayev, Head of Shirvan Executive Power Ilgar Abbasov and Director of IDP Social Development Fund Mahir Abbaszada attended the opening ceremony.
Construction of the neighborhood supplied with all necessary social and technical infrastructures was carried out within the framework of the measures provided for in the “State Program on improvement of living conditions and increasing employment of refugees and IDPs”. This is the 107th settlement made for IDPs throughout the country.
During the meeting with IDPs, Chairman of the State Committee stated that addressing the social problems of IDPs, improving their housing and living conditions is one of the priority directions of the state social policy. More than 300 thousands of internally displaced families live in the built settlements. The First Vice President Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva pays particular attention and care to our citizens from this category and treats their education and health issues in a very sensitive way.
Following the meeting with IDPs, they visited the IDP from Fuzuli Mammadova Zeynab Israfil, a member of the family of martyrs, who had been provided with an apartment in the residential neighborhood. Chairman of the State Committee got acquainted with the conditions created there. 606 internally displaced families, i.e. 1985 people temporarily settled in 61 dormitories, schools, rented and other administrative buildings in Shirvan, those living under the most severe conditions, mostly from Zangilan, Fuzuli and Jabrayil will be relocated to the new settlement. Families temporarily resettled in the surrounding regions will be relocated to vacant apartments. For this purpose, a draw was held at the school commissioned in the settlement with participation of Chairman of the State Committee for Refugees and IDPs Rovshan Rzayev, Executive Director of IDP Social Development Fund Mahir Abbaszada, Head of Shirvan Executive Power Ilgar Abbasov, and members of the relevant commission of the State Committee, public and media representatives. Relocation of IDPs to new apartments will begin today.
The new settlement was designed and built at the order of IDP Social Development Fund (IDPSDF) of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Construction on an allocated 10 hectares of land area started in December 2018. The new residential complex has 13 residential buildings, each of which is 9-storey. 64 out of the apartments in the settlement are single-room, 298 two-room, 207 three-room and 53 four-room. In addition, a 540-seat school, 140-seat kindergarten, an administrative building, club-community center, ATS building were built in the residential complex, as well as relevant engineering communication networks were made, and renovation and planting of greenery work was performed.