On December 24, the next career expo for IDPs was jointly organized by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population and the State Committee for Refugees and IDPs in Kurdakhani settlement of Sabunchu district of Baku.
One of the main directions of the socio-economic policy of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev is to increase employment opportunities for and material welfare of IDPs. The First Vice President Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva treats the social problems of IDPs in a very sensitive way and gives instructions for the positive solution of their appeals.
253 vacancies from 32 enterprises were presented at the expo for IDPs.
The purpose of the career expo is to support the access of unemployed and job-seeking IDPs to the labor market and ensure their employment. Unemployed people and job-seekers were provided with referrals for vacancies based on their professional skills, work habits and choices. People wishing to acquire new occupations in compliance with the requirements of the labor market were registered for vocational training and additional training courses.
Those wanting to work in paid public jobs were also registered.