"... The problems of citizens expelled from all occupied regions and now living as refugees and internally displaced persons are the problem number one for us and for me personally".
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With the State Committee’s organizational assistance, the event was planned
Tədbirlər 27 November, 2023


The First State Program for the Great Return to the liberated lands of the Republic of Azerbaijan was adopted by Decree dated November 16, 2022, signed by President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan. The program represents the course of action to be followed in order to settle the population in a sustainable manner and reintegrate the affected areas into the economy. In compliance with the section of the plan of measures on the organization of reintegration measures for the adaptation of the population to new living conditions, works are being implemented to support and encourage the reintegration of young people who have been forcibly displaced in order to better build their lives in new places of residence.

The “Success Seminar” was held with the organizational support of the State Committee for Affairs of the Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons. The seminar was attended by the members of the Public Council under the State Committee and young internally displaced persons.

The first part of the seminar, entitled “You are the limit of life,” began with a speech by Ms. Hasanova, known as a personal development specialist. The presentation was about complications that arise in people’s later lives due to internal and external influences, from despair that has become a habit. Ms. Hasanova noted that small steps are the main secret of a long journey, and presented practical examples of personal development.

The writer Mumin Sekman from Turkey gave a speech to continue the session. According to the author, “Success has no gender” and young employees should always be improving themselves. The path to development starts with hard effort and setting lofty objectives. The expert shared with the audience his 25 years of personal experience, saying, “Knowledge becomes skills, skills become a lifestyle, and this process becomes a habit”. This is how success becomes permanent.

A signing ceremony of the famous author took place and a memorable photo was taken with each book lover at the conclusion of the event.


It should be mentioned that the best-selling book “Everything Starts with You” was written by self-development specialist Mumin Sekman. With one million and three hundred thousand sales, the book smashed the record in Turkey. Twenty-four of the author’s novels were released in her 25-year career. Additionally, more than 100,000 people have taken part in the trainer’s seminars.



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