"... The problems of citizens expelled from all occupied regions and now living as refugees and internally displaced persons are the problem number one for us and for me personally".
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“The Great Return: An event called the Relocation Draw” was organized
Tədbirlər 18 November, 2023

The “Great Return: Relocation Draw” event was held by The State Committee for Affairs of the Refugees and IDPs. Representatives of the special representation of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in territories liberated from occupation included in the Karabakh economic region (with the exception of Shusha region), deputies of the Milli Majlis, representatives of central executive powers, officials of the executive powers of regions whose territories have been freed from occupation, members of the Public Council under the State Committee, representatives of NGOs participated in the drawing of lots among the families that will be transferred to Fuzuli in the next stage.


According to Fuad Huseynov, Deputy Chairman of the State Committee, the Azerbaijani state is presently tasked with the noble mission of reclaiming the areas liberated from occupation, promoting sustainable development, and guaranteeing the repatriation of internally displaced people to their homeland. It was noted that First Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva always pays attention to the improvement of their living conditions, solving the issues of education, health, and cultural development. President Ilham Aliyev’s social policy places a special emphasis on support and care for refugees and internally displaced persons.


The deputy chairman emphasized that 380 families (or 1389 people) will be permanently placed in the city, while also stressing that 122 families (or 461 people) will be relocated to the residential quarters constructed in Fuzuli as part of the First State Program on the Great Return.

President Ilham Aliyev’s directives were followed, and the infrastructure needed in Fuzuli to guarantee the secure and comfortable housing of IDPs was built. It was observed that the representatives of internally displaced families use draws to ascertain the precise address of the homes awarded to them.


At the event, Deputy of Milli Majlis Vugar Bayramov stated that reconstruction works are currently underway in the city of Fuzuli, which has been rebuilt in accordance with modern standards. A new life begins with the drawing of lots and the return of residents to their native land. We are proud of this sight. The Fuzuli region has entered a phase of economic development, settlement, and reintegration in addition to the recovery and reconstruction stages.

It was highly appreciated by UNDP’s Acting Resident Representative in Azerbaijan, Alessandra Roccasalvo, to prepare people for return and create bonds between generations. When it comes to returning internally displaced persons, Azerbaijan has set an example for the world.


Fuzuli residents who were displaced from their homes have expressed their happiness at returning to their homes. For the conditions created in the liberated territories and for the care and attention given to internally displaced persons, they thanked President Ilham Aliyev and First Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva.

Thus far, the families that are taking part in the draw have been residing in temporary villages within the Absheron region, specifically in Baku and Sumgayit. Of them, 47 had two-room apartments, 58 had three-room apartments, and 17 had four-room apartments, based on the family structure.

Families that bought draw tickets will soon be transferred to Fuzuli.


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