An awareness-raising event dedicated to the protection against mines and explosive ordnance was organized for schoolchildren in Gobu Park-1 residential complex at Garadagh district by Mine Mark Foundation of the Netherlands with support of the State Committee for Affairs of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons.
A group of primary school students of senior secondary school No.32 of Aghdam attended the event. Lala Van der Kolk, co-founder and CEO of Mine Mark Foundation, informed them on mines and explosive ordnance, and talked about booklets and magazines produced for children with financial support of the Foundation. Booklets and magazines on mine safety containing illustrations in the style of "self-paint" were provided to students.
The students were also presented an interactive game app developed by the foundation to help children better understand the recommendations on protection against mines and explosive ordnance. The applications were installed on computers in the school`s computer room and visually explained to students. This innovative project in the field of mine safety was highly appreciated by both the school administration and students.
Note that this innovation, translated into Azerbaijani by Mine Mark Foundation, was introduced in our country for the first time. The main goal of the project is to bring the mine and explosion safety to lower age categories. This step, taken by the said Foundation as an innovative measure in the capital Baku, is planned to be implemented in different regions in the future.