“Greeting the soldier” action which was started by the State Committee for Refugees and IDPs of the Republic of Azerbaijan on January 17 continues. The purpose of the action, which will last until February 2 - Youth Day is to demonstrate the solidarity of various members of the community, along with participants of the Volunteer Movement with personnel of the Armed Forces in the “Year of Volunteers”.
Those who wish to join the action can collectively take pictures with the pose of military greeting and share them in social networks with #esgeresalam #dovletqacqinkom.
Since the start of the action, hundreds of patriots have expressed their solidarity with the personnel of our Armed Forces by now. The love and confidence of our people, the strength and power of our state warm the hearts of our soldiers who stand face to face with the enemy in the cold trenches carrying their weapons and honorably perform their service and duties to their homeland. The action, joined by various social groups, including war veterans and disabled, as well as individual work groups from the capital and regions with great enthusiasm, gives them great motivation and further unites our society around the idea of patriotism. We can say with confidence that this motivation and unity are of the key factors that will ensure victory in the struggle for the restoration of Azerbaijan`s territorial integrity. We invite everyone to join the action “Hello to soldier”!