"... The problems of citizens expelled from all occupied regions and now living as refugees and internally displaced persons are the problem number one for us and for me personally".
Çap et 1871
The State Committee held an event dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the 20th January tragedy
Tədbirlər 17 January, 2020

On January 17, the State Committee for Refugees and IDPs held a commemoration event on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the 20th January tragedy. 


Chairman, deputy chairmen, heads of divisions and departments, employees of the State Committee, young volunteers working at the Committee attended the event.


The martyrs who died for the independence and freedom of Azerbaijan, protection of its Constitutional structure were commemorated with a minute of silence.


Chairman of the State Committee Rovshan Rzayev said that on January 20, 1990, peaceful people who protested in the streets the unfair and biased policy of the USSR against the Azerbaijani people were massacred. The people standing for national liberty and independence also protested the negligent activity of the local government. It was underlined that although January 20 is remembered as a tragedy, it is a symbol of the independence struggle of Azerbaijan.


National Leader Heydar Aliyev protested for the first time against this crime committed to undermine the people`s desire for independence. National Leader who came to the permanent representative office of Azerbaijan in Moscow after January 20 events in Baku held a press conference and deprecated the atrocities and their perpetrators, and condemned the terrorist attack against the armless people as a violation of law, democracy and humanity.        


Distinctive political and legal value was given to the 20th January tragedy at the initiative of Great Leader Heydar Aliyev after his return to political power in independent Azerbaijan by people`s insistent demand. The brutal murder of innocent people on January 20, 1990 was regarded as military aggression and crime at the special session of Milli Majlis held in February, 1994. The 20th of January was declared as National Day of Mourning.


It was noted that the President Ilham Aliyev pays particular attention and care to the families and relatives of those who died in the 20th January tragedy. One-time financial aid to families of the martyrs and disabled people, provision of them with apartments is a clear example of the attention. Reconstruction of the Alley of Martyrs as a single complex is also an expression of the President`s respect to the spirit of martyrs.


The President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev signed a decree on the thirtieth anniversary of the tragedy, honoring the memory of our compatriots - the innocent Bloody January victims who sacrificed their lives for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, freedom of our people and independence of our state. 


Today, the 20th January tragedy has become a symbolic memorial of our independent statehood. The First Vice President Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva also approaches the problems of martyr families, war veterans and disabled people with special care. Important work is being done in the direction of perpetuating the memory of the 20th January martyrs, addressing the problems of families of the tragedy victims and restoring their health.


The author of the book “Martyrs” dedicated to victims of the 20the January events, well-known writer and publicist Rafig Samandar made a speech at the event and spoke about the events he closely witnessed during that time, and the meetings he had while writing the book.   


At the end, a film about the 20th January tragedy was shown.   


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