A new residential complex for IDPs was commissioned on December 28 in Kurdamir. Chairman of the State Committee for Refugees and IDPs Rovshan Rzayev, Head of Kurdamir Executive Power Jeyhun Jafarov and Director of IDP Social Development Fund Mahir Abbaszada, and IDPs who will be relocated to apartments in the new complex attended the event held in this regard.
Stating that relocation of IDPs to the residential complexes and settlements, construction of which is completed was commenced on the eve of the New Year and World Azerbaijanis Solidarity Day at the instruction of the President Ilham Aliyev, Chairman of the State Committee Rovshan Rzayev said that purposeful and consistent work is being done to improve the housing and living conditions of the people from this category. It was noted that the state care for IDPs is complex and covers not only improving their housing and living conditions, but also increasing employment, strengthening social protection, protecting health, education and cultural development. It was mentioned that new residential areas, construction of which is completed this year will be able to substantially improve the housing and living conditions of more than 5 thousands of internally displaced families, and up to 7 thousands of families will be provided with apartments in the settlements that are currently under construction and will be commissioned next year.
It was stated that the instruction given by the First Vice President of Azerbaijan Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva regarding provision of IDPs still living in difficult conditions with new apartments in the first place is being carried out not only in the capital, but also in the regions. It was noted that as in Shirvan, internally displaced families temporarily settled in surrounding regions, living under the most severe conditions will also be offered apartments in the settlement in Kurdamir.
Rovshan Rzayev congratulated IDPs on the remarkable day, which is the symbol of our unity and solidarity, and upcoming New Year and wished them happiness and joy in their new apartments. Great confidence was expressed that the resolute policy pursued by the head of our state will soon result in the restoration of Azerbaijan`s territorial integrity and the return of IDPs to their homeland.
Making a speech at the event, the head of Kurdamir Executive Power Jeyhun Jafarov congratulated the IDPs and wished each family happy life in their new apartments, and said that local authorities will always pay particular attention to their appeals.
Later, a draw was held among a group of IDPs who would be provided with apartments in the new complex. The families involved in the draw determined which buildings and apartments they would have.
Construction of the complex supplied with the necessary social and technical infrastructure in Kurdemir was carried out within the measures provided for in the “State Program on improvement of living conditions and increasing employment of refugees and IDPs”. This is the 108th settlement built for IDPs throughout the country.
The new settlement was designed and built by IDP Social Development Fund (IDPSDF) of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Construction on an allocated 3 hectares of land area started in May 2019.
The new residential complex has 17 residential buildings, each of which is 4-storey. 44 out of the apartments in the complex are single-room, 236 two-room, 228 three-room and 56 four-room. In addition, a 432-seat school, 140-seat kindergarten, an administrative building, club-community center, ATS building and medical station were built in the residential complex, as well as relevant engineering communication networks were made, and renovation and planting of greenery work was performed.
It is planned to relocate the IDPs temporarily settled in dormitories and other administrative buildings in Kurdamir to this complex.