"... The problems of citizens expelled from all occupied regions and now living as refugees and internally displaced persons are the problem number one for us and for me personally".
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“Here is my home” film was screened in Izmir
Tədbirlər 09 MAY, 2024

The documentary film “Here is My Home” prepared by the State Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan for Affairs of Refugees and IDPs, was screened at the “Golden Apple” International Turan Film Festival in Izmir, Türkiye. The film tells the story of a young man named Jeyhun Garabaghli, born and raised in America, who embarks on a journey to his father's homeland - the village of Suleymanli in the Jabrayil region - and his experiences there. It is stated that the idea to turn Ceyhun Garabaghli’s travel experiences into a film and present it to both our society and the global community as patriotic story stems from his sincere attitude towards his native village, to which he has a deep connection but has not yet visited. This attitude is one of the most important characteristics of our nation and people. Jeyhun and his fellow villagers are always ready to work for the future of Karabakh, Eastern Zangazur, and Azerbaijan as a whole, and to contribute to the development of our nation and state, which is the result of our people's struggle for freedom and national revival.

The festival, organized for the first time by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Türkiye, the Film Directorate, and the State Archives Directorate, with the support of the International Turkic Culture Organization (TURKSOY) and Ege University, was attended by government officials, the chief advisers of the President of Türkiye, the head of the State Archives of Türkiye, the director of the National Palaces Administration, Birol Geven, the head of the Film Directorate of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Türkiye, and other high-ranking officials, as well as official representatives of the State Committee.


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