"... The problems of citizens expelled from all occupied regions and now living as refugees and internally displaced persons are the problem number one for us and for me personally".
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In Azerbaijan, the Education Management Summit was held for the first time
Tədbirlər 23 November, 2023

The concept idea of “The future is now” was used to arrange the Education Management Summit with the assistance of the Republic of Azerbaijan’s IDPs and refugees. Three panels comprised the event, which was attended by heads of higher education institutions, social activists, scientists, and representatives of state institutions. During the panel discussions, topics such as youth education, selecting the appropriate career path and specialization, global experience in this area, collaboration between state and non-state actors to develop and enhance practical intelligence, and new approaches and terms utilized in global education systems were examined.


One of the five national priorities of Azerbaijan’s socio-economic development to be implemented by 2030 is the Great Return to territories liberated from occupation—sustainable settlement and reintegration into economic activity, according to Deputy Chairman of the State Committee Fuad Huseynov, who spoke at the event’s opening. The First State Program on the Great Return was approved and is currently being carried out on the basis of this. President Ilham Aliyev personally oversees the construction and restoration projects in the territories that have been liberated from occupation. President Ilham Aliyev and First Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva visit these territories on a regular basis to learn about the status of the implemented measures firsthand.


One of the primary objectives stated in the Action Plan of the First State Program on the Great Return was the establishment of educational institutions in the rebuilt regions of Eastern Zangazur and Karabakh. The fact that over a thousand educational facilities were destroyed when our regions were occupied was underlined. President Ilham Aliyev’s directives are being followed in regards to the restoration and building of educational facilities, with new schools being created in each district that has been renovated. People expressed confidence that the Education Management Summit, which centered around the idea of “The Future is now” will help advance efforts in the areas that have been liberated from occupation.


Gulmammad Mammadov, an associate professor at ADA University and the deputy chairman of the “Back to Karabakh” organization, discussed the significance of the nation’s first-ever Education Management Summit. According to G. Mammadov, “Needs from the economy and industry determine the main goals and criteria of education” highlighting the need to reconstruct the educational infrastructure in areas that have been liberated from occupation. He stated that it is critical that Azerbaijan’s educational system incorporate the modern approaches of other countries. It was observed that there are sufficient educational facilities utilizing these advances, ranging from early childhood education centers to higher education institutions, and that the quantity of these facilities is growing daily in line with current demands.

The program went on to include responding to audience inquiries.

The musical entertainment portion of the summit went on.

It should be mentioned that the more than 200 attendees of the event listened to all three panels with great attention. 



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