"... The problems of citizens expelled from all occupied regions and now living as refugees and internally displaced persons are the problem number one for us and for me personally".
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One day in Shusha … with the German ambassador
Tədbirlər 26 MAY, 2022

Rovshan Rzayev, chairman of the State Committee for Affairs of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons and Wolfgang Manig, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of Germany to our country visited Shusha, the cultural capital of our country. During the visit, the guest was accompanied by Aydin Karimov, the special representative of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Shusha.

The guest was informed in detail about the state policy implemented under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev in the field of work with refugees and IDPs in the country. First vice-president Mehriban Aliyeva's significant contribution to the implementation of this policy was noted.

It was brought to the attention that Azerbaijan put an end to the occupation of aggressive Armenia in the 44-day Patriotic War, created an opportunity for IDPs to return to their native lands, and on the basis of the instructions of the head of our state, necessary measures were taken to ensure their voluntary, dignified and safe return. Ambassador Manig expressed his hope that the return of all IDPs will open the door to peaceful and productive coexistence for all residents of the region.

During the visit, the German ambassador was informed about Shusha and its history. It was noted that during nearly 30 years of occupation historical buildings, mosques and monuments in Shusha were subjected to Armenian vandalism. After the liberation of Shusha large-scale restoration and construction works started. It was noted that along with the reconstruction of the infrastructure, the city's historical and cultural monuments are being restored. He also got acquainted with reconstruction carried out at school No. 1 where Irma Weber, an ethnic German from Shusha, taught.

Chairman of the State Committee German scientist Michael Hess presented the book “The Heritage of Shusha. History and development path of the cultural capital of Azerbaijan” to the ambassador. The ambassador drew attention to the idea of cultural similarity between Shusha and the German city of Weimar and promised to support the establishment of relations between Shusha and Weimar.

Wolfgang Manig went to the center where statues of well - known personalities of Azerbaijan-Natavan, Bulbul and Uzeyir Hajibayli were erected.  Then the guest got acquainted with Khurshidbanu Natavan's house, Khan gizi garden, Khan gizi spring, Khan's Palace, Uzeyir Hajibayli's statue and house in Shusha, as well as Yukhari Govharagha mosque and Gazanchi church.

The ambassador thanked for the organization of the visit to Shusha, said he liked the city, Jidir plain and he would visit here again when the opportunity arose.


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