A board meeting was held in the State Committee...
A video conferencing “Our Youth from Karabakh, Zangazur” was arranged on the Youth Day...
ANAMA arranged training for employees of the State Committee...
An innovative mine safety event was held at Gobu Park...
An event was held for support to IDPs...
A social action called “Zefer arzulari” (Victory wishes) was held...
“Zəfər arzuları” adlı sosial aksiya keçirilib...
Dövlət Komitəsinin sədr müavini BMT-nin tədbirində çıxış edib...
Representative offices in the regions commemorated the martyrs...
The State Committee commemorated the martyrs...
Memory of martyrs was immortalized...
Training was organized for internally displaced persons and journalists on the danger of mines...
Şəhid dövlət qulluqçusunun məzarı ziyarət olunub...
Awareness-raising trainings on mine safety have been ended...
An awareness-raising event on mine safety has been held in Tartar...
Awareness-raising trainings on mine safety have been started...