On May 18, the State Committee for Refugees and IDPs held a commemorative event dedicated to the 27th anniversary of the occupation of Lachin by the Armenian armed forces.
Noting that Lachin is one of the most magnificent places of Azerbaijan and is located in a strategic position, Rovshan Rzayev, Chairman of the State Committee for Refugees and IDPs, spoke about the factors led to the region`s occupation by the Armenian armed forces and reminded the tragedies of Azerbaijani people caused by Armenia. He said that the incompetent activity and treachery of the country`s authorities back then had serious consequences. By occupying Lachin on May 18, 1992, Armenia established direct contact with Nagorno-Karabakh and gained the opportunity to seize its surroundings. The world community still does not sufficiently affect the occupiers, and UN resolutions are not being implemented. Nevertheless, as the President Ilham Aliyev stated, Azerbaijan will never be able to reconcile with the occupation and will use all the opportunities to achieve the restoration of territorial integrity. It was noted that Lachin people are also waiting in hope for returning to their homeland, and support the policy pursued by the head our state for this purpose.
It was underlined that necessary measures are being taken to improve the living standards, and social and living conditions of IDPs in the region. It was noted that preparation work are being performed for the construction of another residential area in Aghjabadi, where they mostly are settled under the instruction of the President Ilham Aliyev.
It was stated that the First Vice-President Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva treats the solution of IDPs` problems, including the problems of Lachin in a very sensitive way, and that keeps the implementation of the projects in this area under control.
Mahar Abbaszada, MP representing Lachin, Director of the Social Development Fund for IDPs, Lachin elders Tapdig Abbasov, Amirkhan Zeynalov, Gazanfar Huseynov, Mohubbat Hasanov, Varashil Mammadov, the one who once was chief of staff of Lachin territorial self-defense battalion Rafig Naghiyev, participants of Karabakh war Babak Aslanov, Mukhtar Hashimov, Chingiz Abbasov, Habil Muradov, Isgandar Gasimov, Director of the senior secondary school No.40 of Lachin Aygun Jabbarova, participant of April battles Vugar Abdulazimov and others made speech at the event, and spoke about the historical past of the region, defense of the population against the aggressors, bravery of the compatriots who died for the defense of lands and the importance of state care for IDPs and expressed their confidence that the occupation will soon end.
At the end of the event, the film about Lachin “Esirlikde gala qalmaz” (No castle can remain as occupied) was shown.