"... The problems of citizens expelled from all occupied regions and now living as refugees and internally displaced persons are the problem number one for us and for me personally".
Çap et 1944
The 27th anniversary of Garadaghli tragedy was marked
Tədbirlər 18 February, 2019

27 years have passed since the occupation of Garadaghli village of Khojavand by Armenia and the genocide of villagers. A commemoration event was held in Khojavand on this occasion. Rovshan Rzayev, Chairman of the State Committee for Refugees and IDPs, head of Khojavand executive power Eyvaz Huseynov, employees of the State Committee and local executive authorities, representatives of the media and public attended the event. Firstly, the monument complex erected in Nargiztapa in order to perpetuate the memory of martyrs who lost their lives for the territorial integrity of our motherland was visited. It was stated in the event dedicated to the anniversary of the tragedy that one of the most terrible tragedies happened in Garadaghli village, which has been fighting against Armenian occupiers for four years. The Armenian bandits occupied the village on February 17, 1992, burnt it and carried out genocide against civilians. 91 residents of the village were cruelly slaughtered, 200 houses, 1 house of culture, a secondary school for 320 students, a hospital building of 25 beds and other facilities, historical, religious, cultural monuments and cemeteries belonging to Azerbaijanis were destroyed. About 800 residents of the village became internally displaced. Chairman of the State Committee Rovshan Rzayev underlined in his speech that the Armenian separatism in Nagorno-Karabakh, territorial claims of Armenia and its occupation policy were related with the incompetence and vacillation of the Azerbaijani authorities back then. Unfortunately, the leaders of the republic could not realize their responsibility and protect our national interests back then. Only upon the return of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev to the political power, the decline of the independent statehood in Azerbaijan was prevented, unity of the people was ensured, and strong counteraction to separatist and occupying forces was organized. Chairman of the Committee stated that the state policy established by the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev for exposing the occupation policy of Armenia around the world, building and strengthening the defense system of our country, as well as addressing the problems of IDPs lost their homeland as a result of the occupation is being successfully continued by the President Ilham Aliyev today, and achieves very positive results. It was noted that in April of 2016 battles our heroic army showed its power to the occupiers, liberated some of our lands and last year, as a result of a successful military operation in Nakhchivan, it gained the control to some strategic heights. They also informed in detail about reforms carried out by the President Ilham Aliyev to improve the state policy pursued in the area of work with refugees and IDPs, as well as the large-scale measures on improving the housing and living conditions and financial wellbeing of the warworn people and ensuring their employment. It was stated that the First Vice President Mrs Mehriban Aliyeva treats the problems of IDPs in particularly sensitive way, and she has been continuously monitoring the implementation of the instruction given by her about relocation of IDPs living in severe and life-threatening conditions to new apartments in the first place. Eyvaz Huseynov, the head of Khojavand region executive power said in his speech that documentary films "Genocide: Garadaghli", "Genocide Garadaghli: continues ..." and "Garadagli, fight" were shot in Azerbaijani and foreign languages in order to convey Garadaghli tragedy to the world community. The book "Garadaghli genocide from the witnesses" was made related with the genocide committed by the Armenian armed forces in Garadaghli village. In addition, memorial complexes were erected in Yeni Garadaghli, Yeni Khojavand settlements and Nargiztapa to perpetuate the memory of martyrs. It was also informed about the achievements made in the socio-economic development of the region and the work done to address the problems of IDPs. Intelligentsia from Khojavand region, residents of Garadaghli made speech in the event. At the end, the film dedicated to Garadaghli tragedy was shown.

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