"... The problems of citizens expelled from all occupied regions and now living as refugees and internally displaced persons are the problem number one for us and for me personally".
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National Heroes of Azerbaijan met with internally displaced students
Tədbirlər 27 November, 2018

On November 27, the Chairman of the State Committee for Refugees and IDPs met with the National Heroes of Azerbaijan, the retired general-mayor Fakhraddin Jabrayilov and the retired colonel-lieutenant Vahid Guliyev. It was noted at the meeting that the heroes showed personal bravery and courage in the defense of the territorial integrity, independence and constitutional order of our country plays an important role in the military patriotism education of younger generation. It was also mentioned that the public-political, socio-economic crisis, and the faults in the army building in Azerbaijan over the years of restoration of state independence and a few subsequent years had led to serious consequences and created suitable conditions for the occupation of our lands by Armenia. It was underlined that the rise of fighting spirit of the nation and the start of state-building, forming a united military command after the return of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev to the political power in the republic did not allow the occupation of the larger part of the territories, and resulted in liberation of a part of the territories - 21 settlements of Fuzuli, Jojug Marjanli village of Jabrayil in which civil life is restored now. Thanks to the successful policy pursued by the President Ilham Aliyev, the worthy successor of the Great Leader, Azerbaijan gained superiority over aggressive Armenia in all spheres, including military. During the counter-attack in April 2016, our army inflicted a heavy blow to the occupiers, got back its strategic heights and liberated over 2 thousand hectares of land. And in the summer of this year, our heroic servicemen made the enemy to withdraw from Nakhchivan and got the control over more than 11 thousand hectares of land. A detailed discussion on the state care for people affected by war, including refugees and IDPs was also held at the meeting. It was noted that the President Ilham Aliyev, First Vice President Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva pays special attention to these issues, purposeful work is being done to address the social problems of IDPs and improve their housing and living conditions. Elshan Ulukhanli, the Chairman of the Public Union for the Promotion of National Heroes attended the meeting. Upon completion of the meeting, the guests went to “Gobu Park” residential complex built for IDPs and put into use this year at the initiative of the First Vice President Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva. A military-patriotic event titled “My hero” was held by the organization of the State Committee for Refugees and IDPs, and the support of the Public Union for the Promotion of National Heroes herein. The event started with a joint singing of the National Anthem by National Heroes and students. Then, our martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the freedom, sovereignty and territorial integrity of our country were commemorated with a minute of silence. Teachers and students of the secondary school No.32 of Aghdam and No.29 of Lachin in “Gobu park” and the war veterans settled in the residential complex attended the event held to promote love for the motherland, strengthen the sense of loyalty to statehood, form high moral and ethical qualities, as well as create interest in the military profession in internally displaced children and adolescents. After brief information about the personal and military life of the National Heroes of Azerbaijan Fakhraddin Jabrayilov and Vahid Guliyev, they made a speech before the participants, spoke about their impressions of the war and the bravery and courage of the sons of our people for freedom of our lands. It was noted that the upbringing of the young generation in the spirit of patriotism and loyalty to statehood is of great importance for our country and society. 20 percent of our lands was occupied, more than one million of our compatriots had to leave their homeland and live as refugees and IDPs as a result of Armenia`s military aggression. Restoration of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and return of IDPs to their historical lands remain as important duties today. The policy pursued by the Distinguished President Mr. Ilham Aliyev is aimed at the implementation of these duties soon. In case it is not possible to peacefully resolve the Armenian-Azerbaijani, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, our heroic army will liberate our lands under the leadership of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. Being ready to defend the motherland and protect its borders is a sacred duty of every Azerbaijani young man. It was stated that the students who will be the future soldiers have to know the sons of our people closely that they can benefit from their life and military experience while fulfilling their citizenship and filial duties. Students from Aghdam and Lachin asked questions to the heroes and made an interesting dialogue with them. Fakhraddin Jabrayilov and Vahid Guliyev presented the badges with the Azerbaijani flag on them to the students actively participated at the meeting. After the meeting, the National Heroes visited “Gobu Park” and got acquainted with the conditions provided for IDPs therein.

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