"... The problems of citizens expelled from all occupied regions and now living as refugees and internally displaced persons are the problem number one for us and for me personally".
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The State Committee held a commemoration event on the day of occupation of Zangilan
Tədbirlər 29 October, 2018

The State Committee for Refugees and IDPs held a commemoration event on the 25th anniversary of Zangilan`s occupation by Armenian armed forces. The chairman of the State Committee, Deputy Chairmen, heads of divisions and departments, veterans of Karabakh war, representatives of non-governmental organizations, intelligentsia from Zangilan, and students of SABAH group from Zangilan attended the event. Our martyrs who sacrified their lives for the freedom and territorial integrity of our lands were commemorated with a minute of silence. While noting the factors that led to the occupation of Zangilan such as socio-political, socio-economic crisis, deceleration in the army building and lack of a proper foreign policy on the eve of restoration of the state independence and the subsequent first years in Azerbaijan, that had contributed to the military aggression of Armenia, and led to the occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh and its surrounding regions. Zangilan people had resisted the aggressors for a long time and devotedly stood up for the defense of their lands. However, after the center of the region was occupied on October 30, 1993 by the occupying forces who captured the surrounding areas, Zangilan people were forced to cross Araz River and move to the territory of Iran in order to get out of the blockade. As Zangilan people always note it with appreciation, the fact that it was allowed by the appeal of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev to the leadership of Islamic Republic of Iran saved them from being exposed to genocide. It was pointed out that the occupation of Armenia was prevented and withdrawal of them from some of the occupied territories was provided as a result of the implementation of decisive military-political actions by mobilizing strong forces in society and the army immediately after the return of National Leader Heydar Aliyev, to power at the insistent request of the people and official start of fulfill they duties as a president. The achievement of a ceasefire on the front line in 1994 allowed the independent state to make significant progress in all areas, including army building. Over the past 15 years during the President Ilham Aliyev`s leadership, Azerbaijan has become a leader state in the region, our army has become stronger and more powerful and has shown that our army is practically ready to fight for the liberation of our lands from occupation. The events of April 2016, the liberation of more than 2 thousand hectares of territory demonstrated it to the whole world. Reminding that those who suffered from war in our country are covered by particular state care, the Chairman of the Committee stated that the work that the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev started in this area is being continued by the President Ilham Aliyev, in addition, he defined the social problems of IDPs as a priority, and took all necessary measures to improve their housing and living conditions. It was noted that Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva, the First Vice President, treats very sensitively the problems of IDPs, and personally keeps the relocation of internally displaced families living in damaged buildings and in the most severe conditions in the first place under control. Representatives of the Zangilan community and intelligentsia made a speech at the event and expressed their gratitude to the President Ilham Aliyev and the First Vice President Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva for the state care. Expressing their confidence that Azerbaijan which becomes stronger day by day will restore its territorial integrity, the event participants wished the great renovation work being done in our country to be held in the territories to be liberated from occupation of Azerbaijan, including Zangilan soon. At the end, a film dedicated to the occupation of Zangilan was shown.

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