"... The problems of citizens expelled from all occupied regions and now living as refugees and internally displaced persons are the problem number one for us and for me personally".
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An event was held in Baku on the occasion of the World Refugee Day
Tədbirlər 21 JUNE, 2018

According to AZERTAC, participants of the event organized at the International Mugham Center first viewed a photo exhibition describing the life of refugees and IDPs. Then there was a performance on this topic. Making the opening speech, Furio De Angelis, the head of the Representative Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Azerbaijan, said by touching upon the current problem of refugees and IDPs in the world that the organization he represented helps refugees all over the world through voluntary donations. He noted that this year the number of people displaced from their homes had reached the highest level in the world. It makes us to think deeply about the causes of the problem. All states and related organizations should work together to solve this issue. Azerbaijan has been making great efforts to address the issue of refugees and IDPs. Azerbaijan has great opportunities to contribute to the solution of refugee problems in the world. Azerbaijan is a state with the capacity to foster the people fleeing their countries and taking shelter herein and it widely uses these opportunities. Furio De Angelis congratulated Azerbaijani people and state on return to Jojug Marjanli. Then the video appeal of Filippo Grandi, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, was shown. Ali Ahmadov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan said that the problem of refugees and IDPs that emerged 30 years ago in our country concers the whole world today. Today, there are more than 68 million refugees and IDPs in the world. This problem concerning the whole world should be solved. Refugee problem all over the world is not as serious as the situation in Azerbaijan. This problem is even worse in Azerbaijan. Today, states, politicians in the world are striving to solve this problem. Different countries allocate aid in this regard. However, it seems that justice has been violated in the world and a problem with refugees and IDPs emerged. If justice were not violated, this problem would not have been so critical. After more than one million Azerbaijanis became refugees and IDPs as a result of Armenia`s ethnic cleansing policy, we had to understand that this would not end with one country. This problem, which made Azerbaijan find itself in a difficult situation due to the lack of proper attention, is now threatening the whole world. Today, the causes of this problem should be investigated and joint efforts should be made to solve the problem. The social status of refugees and IDPs has considerably improved as a result of the great efforts of the Azerbaijani government. However, they still have not returned to their homeland. I believe that those who have never heard the voice of truth of Azerbaijan will listen to our call today. Our goal is to liberate our occupied lands and return our refugees to their homeland. Rovshan Rzayev, the Chairman of the State Committee for Affairs of Refugees and IDPs, said that the main purpose of today`s event is to raise awareness of the importance of this issue. Fundamental measures are being taken in Azerbaijan to address the problem of refugees and IDPs. However, this problem creates a great concern around the world. Relevant organizations should work together to address the problem of refugees and IDPs. Vusal Huseynov, the head of the State Migration Service, said that it seems from the statistics that this issue is really a global problem and requires a serious approach. We see that this problem is getting deeper. Therefore we need to do some new things. Greater states should eliminate double standards and indifference to the issue. Azerbaijan is an example in this regard. However, this issue does not end with the elimination of social problems of refugees and IDPs. These people should return to their homeland. The event continued with an artistic part.

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