"... The problems of citizens expelled from all occupied regions and now living as refugees and internally displaced persons are the problem number one for us and for me personally".
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Preparing Internally Displaced Persons for Reintegration: A Priority Direction for Joint Cooperation
Tədbirlər 10 JULY, 2024

The State Committee for Affairs of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons of the Republic of Azerbaijan provided organizational support to the National Marketing Forum held under the concept message “Knowledge Completes in Practice”. During the two-day forum, experiences related to marketing activities were shared and participants were informed about the activities of the State Committee within the framework of the First State Program on the Great Return to the liberated territories.

It was noted that under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, the primary objectives of the Great Return are to ensure sustainable resettlement and reintegration of economic activities in Karabakh and Eastern Zangazur. The State Committee has been assigned important and responsible tasks in this area. The Committee is responsible for organizing reintegration measures to adapt the population to new living conditions, preparing initial forecasts related to the return of the population based on sociological surveys among IDPs and conducting information, propaganda and advocacy activities for the return of IDPs to newly established settlements.

Mahir Abbaszada, Director of the State Fund for Social Development of Internally Displaced Persons, highlighted the importance of active participation by entrepreneurship and business entities in the economic revival of the liberated areas. He emphasized the positive impact of their marketing experience on reintegration measures. He pointed out that the state provides comprehensive support to refugees and internally displaced persons, with President Ilham Aliyev paying special attention to improving their living conditions and ensuring effective social protection. First Vice President Mehriban Aliyeva also consistently demonstrates sensitivity and effective support in solving their problems. He reminded that such events contribute significantly to the enlightenment of youth and encourage the economic activity of former IDPs preparing to return to their homeland.

Nasimi Narimanov, Advisor to the Chairman of the State Committee, noted that preparations for the Great Return have been underway for quite some time, with purposeful work being conducted, including mass events, training sessions, and social actions. He stressed the need for local and foreign companies operating in the country to include issues related to the Great Return in their marketing objectives. He stated that intensively preparing both returning and still temporarily settled former IDPs for sustainable settlement and reintegration could be a priority direction for joint cooperation.

At the forum, video clips, posters and printed materials prepared by the State Committee for information, propaganda, and advocacy activities related to the return of IDPs to newly established settlements were exhibited.



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