"... The problems of citizens expelled from all occupied regions and now living as refugees and internally displaced persons are the problem number one for us and for me personally".
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In the State Committee, a presentation of the “Shusha Fortress” brochure series was held
Tədbirlər 23 MAY, 2024

The presentation of the “Shusha Fortress” brochure series was held at the State Committee for Affairs of Refugees and IDPs. The author of the brochures, published in Azerbaijani and English, covering the history and cultural values of the city of Shusha in 10 topics, is Vasif Guliyev, a renowned researcher of Karabakh history and the editor of the “Shusha” newspaper.

Speaking at the presentation ceremony, the head of the State Committee, Rovshan Rzayev, noted the importance of the brochure series in promoting the rich cultural and historical heritage of Shusha, which is considered the cultural capital. He emphasized that President Ilham Aliyev, through his decisive leadership and the heroic efforts of the Azerbaijani Army soldiers and officers, has restored pride and joy in every Azerbaijani with the liberation of this ancient city from the 28-year occupation, and comprehensive work has been carried out for its restoration and reconstruction, with the return of Shusha residents to their homeland already underway. The role of First Vice President Mehriban Aliyeva and the Heydar Aliyev Foundation in the restoration of the city's material and spiritual values was also highlighted.

It was noted that the publication of the “Shusha Fortress” brochure series was carried out within the framework of the information, enlightenment, and promotion activities of the State Committee in accordance with the First State Program on the Great Return to the Liberated Territories.

At the presentation ceremony, Bayram Safarov, the head of the Shusha City Executive Power, honored art worker, Doctor of Arts, Professor Ilham Rahimli, deputy chief editor of “Khalg gazeti” honored journalist Tahir Aydinoghlu, member of the Azerbaijan Writers’ Union, researcher-journalist Elshad Goja, chief editor of “Veten sesi”, honored journalist Elshan Aliyev, praised the publication of the “Shusha Fortress” brochure series, spoke about Vasif Guliyev's long-term research activities in the field of Karabakh history, and emphasized that his valuable creative work is a worthy gift to the Great Return. They expressed gratitude for the creative work of the author, noting that he has been researching the history of his native Karabakh and beloved Shusha for more than fifty years and has enjoyed this work. He expressed great joy at the liberation and rapid restoration of his native city, expressing his gratitude to President Ilham Aliyev, who personally oversees this magnificent reconstruction process, and to First Vice President Mehriban Aliyeva, who always cares for the people of Shusha.

It should be noted that the “Shusha Fortress” series includes brochures dedicated to “The Foundation of the City”, “Neighborhoods and Streets”, “Toponyms”, “Historical and Architectural Monuments”, “Flora and Fauna”, “Holy Places”, “Caravanserais, Bathhouses, Bazaars”, “Craftsmanship”, “Trade” and “Springs”. The first pages of the brochures contain information about what Heydar Aliyev and President Ilham Aliyev said about Shusha, a picture of the city's founder, Panahali Khan Javanshir, and information about him, as well as brief information about the Kurakchay agreement between the Karabakh Khanate and the Russian government and the relocation of Armenians from Iran and Turkey to Azerbaijan. Each brochure is written in a factual-journalistic style based on specific historical facts related to the topic and is accompanied by numerous photographs.

The continuation of the publication of brochures from the “Shusha Fortress” series is planned. Informational brochures about other liberated regions will also be presented to the public soon.


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