"... The problems of citizens expelled from all occupied regions and now living as refugees and internally displaced persons are the problem number one for us and for me personally".
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State Committee hosted meeting with residents of Zabukh and Sus
Tədbirlər 15 August, 2022

On August 15, the State Committee for Refugees and IDPs of the Republic of Azerbaijan held a meeting with a group of residents of Zabukh and Sus villages of Lachin district. The memory of the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for restoration of territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and the liberation of lands from occupation was commemorated with a minute of silence.


The participants of the meeting valued the liberation of our lands from occupation by the brave Azerbaijan Army under the leadership of the President, Victorious Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev as an unparalleled historical event, and once again emphasized with deep gratitude that the Victory made it possible for former IDPs to return to their homeland. Based on the tripartite statement dated November 10, 2020, Armenians illegally settled in the territory temporarily controlled by Russian peacekeepers in Lachin district are forced to leave the area. The head of the state gave relevant order to organize return of people from Lachin, Zabukh and Sus villages, who were forced to live as IDPs for nearly thirty years.


The participants of the meeting mentioned that they are satisfied with the work done to improve living conditions and ensure social protection of IDPs during the past period and expressed gratitude to President Ilham Aliyev for his attention and care and the First Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva for her constant support.


The chairman informed about the implementation of tasks set by the head of state for the restoration of territories liberated from occupation and return of IDPs to their homeland. It was also mentioned that the structural divisions of the committee are taking necessary measures related to the organization of the return to Lachin city, Zabukh and Sus villages. It was noted that surveys are being conducted to determine the accurate number of residents who will return to their homeland, assess employment opportunities, determine needs and requirements of IDPs. Necessary measures are being taken to ensure effective organization of return. The residents of Zabukh and Sus villages expressed gratitude for warm reception and mentioned that they are sure that they will return to their native land, which they have longed for many years, restore those places and live there.


“We will return to Lachin, Zabukh and Susa. I gave orders to the state refugee committee to contact former residents of Lachin city, Sus and Zabukh villages, so that we could return them to their native places in the nearest future,” said President Ilham Aliyev as he was interviewed by the Azerbaijan Television in Basgal settlement of Ismailly district on August 12.


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