Relocation of IDPs to “Gobu Park-3” residential complex, which was opened on May 28 at Garadagh district of Baku with participation of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva, has been started. IDP families temporarily settled in dormitories at Yasamal district of the capital will mainly be relocated to the complex.
Successfully continuing the implementation of social projects in our country at a time when coronavirus infection has shaken the whole world as a global pandemic and caused an economic crisis everywhere is the result of the determined political will of the President Ilham Aliyev. The head of our state also pays constant attention to addressing the social problems of IDPs and takes consistent measures to improve their housing and living conditions. In recent years, the construction of new residential areas for IDPs has been further expanded. This year, more than seven thousands of internally displaced families are expected to be relocated to new apartments.
The First Vice President Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva treats the issues related to the living conditions, education, health and employment of IDPs in a particularly sensitive way, gives instructions for the prompt addressing of those issues, and constantly monitors their execution.
A draw was held for a group of internally displaced families to be relocated to the complex on June 2 in the administrative building of Yasamal District Municipality. More than 100 IDPs temporarily settled in the dormitory No. 1 of Azerbaijan Technical University attended the draw. The draw was organized in compliance with the rules applied by the Operational Headquarters under the Cabinet of Ministers in a special quarantine, by protecting social distance. The IDPs were able to watch the draw on a monitor installed in front of the building.