"... The problems of citizens expelled from all occupied regions and now living as refugees and internally displaced persons are the problem number one for us and for me personally".
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Members of European Union met with internally displaced persons
Mətbuat xidmətinin məlumatı 19 JUNE, 2011
Delegation consisting of representatives of the member countries of the European Union and European Commission visiting Azerbaijan has met with refugees on June 16, 2011. At first, Mission has been to Darnagul student campus hostel No1 of the Baku Management and Technology College. Deputy chief of State Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Deals of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons Garay Farhadov informed the guests that Azerbaijan nation has been exposed the genocide and encroached to historical land by armenians four times in a century. For the last time, 250 thousand ethnic azerbaijanians have been drived out from historical land in Armenia and seeked refuge in Azerbaijan, nearly 700 thousand of our compatriots have settled temporarily at 1600 points in 67 regions of the country driving out from Nagorno Garabakh and 7 regions occupied Armenian Armed Forces. At the result of Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Garabakh Conflict we lost 20 thousand compatriots, 50 thousand people were invalid, more than 100 thousand people got different body injuries. Azerbaijan had lost in amount of 60 billion dollar. Internally displaced persons have settled in Baku in 1043 objects including 262 such hostels compactly. “State Program on improvement of living conditions and employment rehabilitation of refugees and internally displaced persons”, confirmed by Decree of the 1st of July, 2004 issued by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Supplements made to that State Program by his Decree of the 31st of October, 2007, Decree of the 21st February, 2011, “About the additional measures for improvement of housing and living conditions of the internally displaced families” are implemented successfully. 67 new settlements have been built for the families of refugees and internally displaced persons in separate towns and districts of the country, 20 thousand families, notably, our 100 thousand compatriots have been moved to new houses, 130 educational, about 50 health, tens of communication and cultural centers have been constructed and handled over for use, appropriate infrastructure has been created. Ambassador, Chief of the European Union Delegation in Baku, Rolan Cobia said that, members of the mission are senior officials. There are both representatives of both Hungary and European Commission. Familiarizing with the living conditions of internally displaced persons is the part of our visit program. Two duties posed in front of mission. The first as I said, is to familiarize with living conditions of refugees and internally displaced persons. Visit of the representatives of member countries of European Union means that, organization is interested about the people of this category and approaches to the issue with great sensibility. Personally, I am coming here for the second time. Azerbaijan Government takes concrete and urgent measures for improvement of housing and living conditions of the internally displaced families. Second issue is related to simplification visa system which is very important for nation and country. We are discussing existing problems and important things will be done in this sphere with officials at related organizations. Azerbaijan side is also interested in simplification of visa system. European Guests have come from here to the quarter built in the 7th mcr. of the Binagadi district, territory of the 2nd House-building complex. Garay Farhadov informed that, 369 families settled temporarily in 6 building each of consisting of 9 floors. All types of infrastructure re built in the area. These buildings will stay in state fund after inhabitants of quarter return to their native land. About 2 thousand families live under existing condition in Baku. Living conditions problems of most of the internally displaced persons will be solved till 2015. Garay Farhadov gave disks about Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Garabakh Conflict; works have done by Azerbaijan Republic in the direction of improvement of social conditions of refugees and internally displaced persons to guests.
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