"... The problems of citizens expelled from all occupied regions and now living as refugees and internally displaced persons are the problem number one for us and for me personally".
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President Ilham Aliyev has met with IDPs in opening ceremony of new constructed residential area in Gabala and delivered speech.
Mətbuat xidmətinin məlumatı 28 February, 2010
   President Ilham Aliyev met with internally displaced people and public representatives of Gabala region in February 27. President Ilham Aliyev congratulated the IDPs provided with housing and said: - I am greeting you and cordially congratulating you on construction of such beautiful houses. I wish you to live comfortable, good life in these houses. You have been living under trying conditions in tourist center, pioneer camps for many years. But from today you will live under better conditions. As you know the State of Azerbaijan and the Government of Azerbaijan carries out large-scaled works for improvement of IDPs living standards and increase their employment. The State Program was accepted and in the first stage the problems of those citizens who were living under hard conditions have been settled. There is already no any tent camp in Azerbaijan. Now, the problems of the citizens living in other uninhabitable buildings should be solved. This process is happening in Gabala and we started these works in various parts of our country. Multi-storey buildings for IDPs are being constructed in Baku and other regional centers. Living conditions in these houses is better and I believe you’ll have comfortable lives in these houses. But the main point today is that you could return to your home. That is our key concern. The implemented works and allocated funds are of temporary nature for improvement of living standards of IDPs. But the main problem should be settled. Yesterday we, the whole Azeri people commemorated anniversary of great tragedy. Khojali Genocide which is a grave crime by Armenians against the people of Azerbaijan will never fade away of our memories. The world community already recodnized that this was a grave crime against humanity and as a result of our efforts, with support of Azerbaijani Government, public and Diaspora organizations, youths, students studying abroad all of the world community are aware of this crime. Though the Armenians strived to hide the realities of this grave crime thanks to their strong diaspora in the world and I can say that they achieved some success. We had limited opportunities for propaganda. Misrepresenting the facts of Khojaly Genocide they tried to veil their brutalities carried out against Azerbaijani people. But today, all the world community is aware of the realities and the highest level arrangements organized yesterday in various places of the world and participation of representatives of state, government and world community from various countries demonstrated that we could inform the world community all of the realities of this tragedy. But this is the first stage of the work. We should try to make the criminals who took part in genocide against Azeri people to answer for their crime. I am sure, the time will become when those responsible for this crime will be held accountable before the world. As for the Armenian-Azerbaijani, Upper Garabagh conflict, Azerbaijan will continue his efforts. We are trying and have to try to achieve all-round development and strengthening of our country in order to consolidate our positions in negotiations, generally in our confrontation with Armenia. We could achieve this in international scene. The international law supports our position. The international agencies confirm the resolution of the problem in accordance with territorial integrity and international legal norms. There are many international documents proving these. But unfortunately, in spite of these efforts the problem can not be resolved. Because, an opposite side – Armenia wants to prolong the issue. Armenia wants to keep the status-quo and legalize the raised situation. We will never allow this. We will continue our political and diplomatic efforts in any scene and any form. Both in international agencies and two-sided relations this issue is always on agenda. Heads of the co-chair countries dealing with the issue have met with me for several times. Azerbaijan\'s position was always recognised as justified in these meetings. The world community has already aware that the lands of Azerbaijan have been occupied and the occupiers do not want to withdraw from these lands and they want extend this issue. The whole world knows that the lands of Azerbaijan were occupied and the occupant country doesn’t want to withdraw from the occupied lands and prolong the issue. We could not allow this in any circumstances. But at the same time, are strengthening ourselves, strengthening military and economic potential and we should be ready so ever to liberate our lands from the enemy in any moment. I would like to repeat that we must be stronger. The incidents occurred in various places of the today’s world shows that power factor have a decisive role. Of course, the international legal norms have a great significance. Azerbaijan as an independent and sovereign country wants these issues to be solved within the bound of the law and norms accepted all around the world. If these standards of the international law are violated, it means that a mechanism regulating the activity of the world community within the international community doesn’t work. If 4 resolutions on Armenia-Azerbaijan, Upper Garabagh conflict issued by the greatest and the most worthy organization of the world as UN Security Council which is the most important agency of UNO have not been realized, then which standards of the international law can be talked about?!. UN Security Council has 5 members consisting of leading countries of the world. Three of them are co-chairmen of Minsk group. Resolutions of the Security Council of course should be principles for UNO. But the permanent members play leading role in acceptance of these resolutions. The permanent members can veto any resolution that is this resolution is their decision. Why these resolutions have no been realized after 20 years?! Why the occupant country has not been received serious warning?! Why they are not isolated?! You know they violated standards of the international law, committed war crimes and Khojali genocide. Hundreds of innocent Azeri citizens died, were savagely killed. But nobody accounts for all these. War criminals are freely traveling all over the world, conditions are created for them. They are accepted in various capitals. They are war criminals. We can see that in some other places robbers and criminal are taken to international courts and account to the justice for crime committed in the war. But the Armenian robbers have as if immunity. This is injustice, these are double standards. This situation is unbearable. We know that Armenian lobby has opportunities, including financial opportunities all over the world. They could take in hand some hypocritical and bribe taker politicians in different countries. They are trying to consolidate their positions by paying money, giving some privileges and using these persons. But we want the problem to be settled fairly in accordance with international law. We do not claim other country\'s territories. Nevertheless today’s Armenia was created on eternal lands of Azerbaijan lands. Although we do not lay any claim to anybody. We just want to return our lands, our legal, eternal lands, our lands recognized by the international community as lands of Azerbaijan. We want you, our compatriots, to return to these lands, to your native lands. That is our desire. On the one hand we are told to solve the problem peacefully. We are also supporter of peaceful solution of the problem. But nobody should forget that the Armenians did not occupy these lands in peaceful manner. Our lands were occupied through war and support of other countries. In spite of the fact that about 20 years have been past since these incidents, nobody must forget it. Citizens of Azerbaijan, youth and younger generation should always remember this. If the Armenians do it by force, why we are always recommended to solve the problem peacefully?! I would like to repeat once again that nobody wants a war. Who wants a war now?! But how long we have to reconcile with this unbearable situation?! How long the world community and side dealing with this problem would stay in restrained position?! We can not agree with the existing situation. Status-quo doesn’t suit us. Status-quo must be fairly changed. Armenian occupiers must unconditionally withdraw from our lands. Only after that peace and cooperation can be established. That is our key principal. This issue must find its solution within the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. We just want it happen soon and the Armenians to withdraw from our lands of their own free will. That’s why we need to be much strong. The processes all over the world show that the Strongs are always right. Unfortunately, this is reality today and we are living in this real world, we are not living in virtual world. Everybody wants justice and the international law norms to work. But we can not see this now. We see that this injustice is continuing nearly 20 years and will go on for some time. We should mobilize our efforts and to strengthen our position. Today Azerbaijan is the most rapidly developing country. According to the reports of 2009 Azerbaijan is in the first place through countries with rapidly growing economy. We must increase our economic resources. All the works done are pursuing this goal. The army, military building process should be rapidly carried out. Many works have been done and much more works have to be carried our. All of our programs are implemented for this purpose. Including, regional development program and construction works carried out in all regions of course, makes our country stronger. Additional measures will be taken in this direction. I have no doubt, that Azerbaijan will continue its successful development in 2010 as well. All duties will be carried out and economic and social problems of the country will fid their solution. We can visually see development of Azerbaijan for the last years by the example of Gabala. Gabala rapidly develops in the full sense of this word, great construction and improvement works are being carried out. I am very pleased when I see innovations in my every visit to Gabala. The city improves, various measures are taken. Today, for example, I have taken part in some arrangements. Piano producing factory constructed in accordance with the highest standards was put into operation in Gabala. It is very great event and it demonstrates that, local and foreign investors are believing in development of Azerbaijan. Today I have take part in opening of bus station. Then I get acquainted with new established agricultural enterprises. As you know Gabala has very great potential for tourism. This potential is already being efficiently used. Every time when I visit Gabala, I always especially mention that, beautiful nature, rich history and national resources of Gabala should play an important role in turning of Gabala into international tourism center and today we can see it. Five-star hotels, hotel complexes, recreation centers and parks for children are constructed in Gabala. It means great works are carried out for development of tourism infrastructure and Gabala should become one of the world-wide tourism centers. I would like to repeat that there is natural condition and infrastructure to do it. A part of Baku-Gabala road has already been constructed. Baku-Shamakhi road meets the requirements of world standards. Then Shamakhi-Ismayilli, Ismayilli-Gabala, Gabala-Balakan road will be constructed. So, road infrastructure which is important for development of tourism will be completely renovated. Drinking water, sewerage problems of Gabala are finding their solution. An implementation of the great project has started and drinking water, sewerage problems of Gabala will be solved in two years. Power supply system will be improved. I will take part in opening of the new substation. Gaz supply process is rapidly carried our, social facilities-kindergartens and schools are constructed. So, all required arrangements are carried out for development of the region. As a result, in the last six years economy of Gabala increased in 4 times. It is a great success and indicator. It is only measured with statistical figures, at the same time the citizens themselves can see the improvement and construction works carried out in the region. I want to express my positive opinion on the implemented works. I want to wish new successes to citizens of Gabala and you must know that additional measures are prepared for turning Gabala into tourism center and it will be realized soon. I congratulate you, my dear compatriots, on getting houses. A new house will be constructed here and a school is being constructed already. So, there are temporary conditions for living. I am sure that a day will come when we can construct new beautiful houses in our liberated lands. IDP from Shuhsa Ahad Hasanov delivered speech on behalf of the people who get new flats: - Mr. President, we greet You on behalf of 598 IDPs families settled in Gabala. We are thanking you again for having come to our town to meet with us. I would like to remind a wise word of our great leader whose history will always stay in our memory. Once, in 1993 our great leader said: “A day will come when Azerbaijan will rise as the Sun to the world”. Yes, a word said by our great leader is already reality today. Our sunny Azerbaijan shines to all countries of the world. The leading countries of the world today considered with the state of Azerbaijan and its President. As You say, Azerbaijan should develop to become rich and powerful country of the world in future. Today we can confidently and proudly say that, Mr. President, a result of Your intensive work and activity our independent Azerbaijan became a powerful country in the international scene. The people of Azerbaijan are sure that his future, destiny of statehood is in reliable hands. It is about 18 years that we have been settled in such a beautiful land, in Gabala. Since-with your permission, using this good opportunity I would like to thank the kind citizens of Gabala on behalf of IDPs, because they always supported us in our hard days. As to this nice building meeting the modern requirements, You present it to 152 families. It is a reflection of great care of our state for IDPs. Mr. President, You can be sure that we will not be satisfied with living in such comfortable flats. Common dream of all IDPs is to return to our occupied lands. We will return to our native lands injuring our hearts nights and days. We believe in this as our being. Because, we have a leader as our President Ilham Aliyev, who is the faithful political follower of our wise and great leader. I would like to say once more that the God endowed us with a great happiness. Mr. President, You are struggling against our enemy with the first lady of Azerbaijan, Goodwill Ambassador of UNESCO Mehriban Aliyeva. We cordially applaud Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva. Everybody knows that your daughter Leyla Aliyeva spread Khojali wail all over the world. We watched it on TV and learned from press. We are very glad of this fact. The results of the implemented works should be measured with these. I am sure that our lands- our Kalbajar, Shusha, Aghdam and all of the occupied regions will be liberated. We will live spend joyful days in these lands. My great wish is to liberate the city of historical monuments, different with its beautiful nature Kalbajar and Shusha which is the emerald crown of Garabagh and to wave our three-color flag in. Mr. President, we wish to participate in opening ceremonies of new buildings and monuments together with You and Your family, leading intellectuals of our republic. God bless you. I want to conclude my speech. But my heart is full of feelings, because it honor for me, other IDPs and for all citizens to make a speech in front of You, Mr. President. Each citizen of Azerbaijan understands that he should support with practical activity Mr. President Ilham Aliyev who is the worthy and brave follower our national leader Heyday Aliyev ‘s political course in the work of turning of the independent Republic of Azerbaijan into powerful state and liberation of our lands from Armenian occupation . That’s the reality of our republic today. Our state and President supports the people and people support our state and President. God bless You. Shirin Shirinov, a resident of Gabala, appealing to the Azerbaijani President, said: “Mr. President, let me greet you on behalf of the residents of Gabala in this beautiful corner of Azerbaijan and say welcome to you. Each of your visit to Gabala turns into a great holiday for us, a new stage is beginning in the development of Galaba. Our Gabala is developing from day to day. Since your visit to Gabala in 2008 the district has developed and changed unrecognizably. The number of enterprises and social locations is increasing incessantly. All this is the result of your great attention and care. I want to note that as a result of your well-shaped policy our Azerbaijan is the main organizer and participant of all the large-scale projects implemented into life in the region. The regions and districts of our republic are also developing incessantly. As you noted, Gabala is a vanguard district among the developing regions. Our great leader Heydar Aliyev paid great attention to the miraculous nature of Gabala. He compared Gabala with the most developed tourism centers of the world, with Switzerland. He was recommending us to protect, to enrich this beauty, to transform Gabala to one of the most developed corners of recreation, of tourism. This recommendation of our great leader is being implemented into life very successfully under your presidency, and we are glad for it. Gabala is developing wholly. As you noted, today Gabala is a combination of new plants, factories, enterprises of production, recreation centers, hundreds of kilometers of well-improved roads. Besides, a considerable part of goods produced in Gabala are sold in foreign markets. Each new object or enterprise means new jobs, serves the social maintenance and improvement of the welfare of population. Mr. President, I want to note that it is good and gladdening that there is probably no the problem of unemployment which at present rages in the world, this problem has been solved in Gabala. We have even people who come from the neighboring districts and work here. I dare say that even foreigners are working in Gabala today. The Treatment-Diagnostics Center, which you opened in 2008, is one of the best medical centers of our region. It has been working for two years; nevertheless, hundreds of patients have been treated here. The most complicated surgical operations are being performed here very successfully. Dozens of patients in need of dialysis are treated here, do not go to the capital for it. The four well-equipped ambulances, which you presented to Gabala today, will serve our residents. Mr. President, for all this I express my deep gratitude to you on behalf of the residents of Gabala. I want to note with a sense of joy that the entire world knows Gabala today just because of your care and attention. Recently the international music festival, which was held in Gabala, was participated by well-known musicians from 16 world countries. It was an important event for making the world get acquainted with the national culture of our people. Making use of this ­opportunity, I express my deep gratitude to the first lady of our country Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva, the organizer of that festival, the protector of our education, our musical culture on behalf of the residents of Gabala. She did a lot for holding the festival. Mr. President, we love you very much. Each your visit to Gabala gladdens us very much. Today the young and the old in Gabala is proud that you are our guest. Come to Gabala very often. Each visit of yours brings us joy and happiness. We, the residents of Gabala, have always been close to the leader who loves the country and cares for it. We believe, as it was noted today, that our occupied lands will be liberated under your presidency, as a result of your well-thought foreign policy, and these internally displaced, kind persons, who have lost their houses and property, will return home, to the land of their ancestors. We are very glad that we are the citizens of a beautiful, independent country by name of Azerbaijan, a country which bravely resists all the difficulties, a country which has taken the road of progress and development, a country which has already occupied its worthy place among the world countries, and we are proud that we have such a President as you. Mr. President, I greet you once more. You are welcome to Gabala! May God Almighty always be your guardian!” Ilham Aliyev: “I congratulate you cordially once more and wish to meet you on good occasions only all the time!”
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