"... The problems of citizens expelled from all occupied regions and now living as refugees and internally displaced persons are the problem number one for us and for me personally".
Çap et 1202
Members of Working Group on Belgium-Azerbaijan inter-parliamentary relations were at State Committee on the affairs of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs).
Mətbuat xidmətinin məlumatı 06 JULY, 2011
Deputy Prime Minister, chairman of State Committee on the affairs of refugees and IDPs Ali Hasanov met with Members of Working Group on Belgium-Azerbaijan inter- parliamentary relations on July 5, 2011. Ali Hasanov talked about history of Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorny Garabagh conflict, increase in claims on establishment of “Great Armenia” made by Armenians using power of M.Gorbachev who became who had been elected leader of the Soviet Union, ethnic cleansing policy in Armenia during 1988-1992, deportation of Azerbaijanis with unprecedented cruelty and wildness from this country. As well as he mentioned that our 250 000 compatriots had become refugee after expulsion from native lands situated there. It was stated that as a result of military agression committed by of Armenian Military Forces, 20 % of Azerbaijan territory-Nagorny Garabagh, as well as 7 adjasent districts were occupied, more than 1 million of our compatriots became refugee and IDPs. UN Security Council adopted the resolutions № 822, 853, 874, 884 on peaceful settlement of this conflict, liberation of occupied territories, taking refugee and IDPs back to their native land in 1993. But Armenia doesn’t follow any resolution. Ali Hasanov mentioned the measures taken in the direction of improvement of life conditions of IDP s in Azerbaijan and stressed that 4,5 billion $ had been spent for refugees and IDP s over the last 20 years. 2,6 billion $ were budget allocation, 1 billion $ were allocation of State Oil Fund, 900 million $ were allocation of international humanitarian organization. At present there are more than 1 million refugees and IDPs. 250 000 people were Azerbaijanis expelled from Armenia during 1988-1992, 50 000 people were Akhiska Turks expelled during the events of Fargane in Uzbekistan, up to 700 000 people were IDP s forcedly expelled from the occupied districts of Azerbaijan. Ali Hasanov, expressing his gratitude to humanitarian organizations on behalf of the Government of Azerbaijan, stated that today our government had strength to resolve social problems of refugees and IDPs completely. But the Government of Azerbaijan considers donor activity suitable for refugee and IDPs with regards to communication with international organizations, acquaintance of foreign specialists with our country and multilateral integration processes. The Government of Azerbaijan that pays special attention to the improvement of social condition of refugees and IDPs, tightly coorperates with international and local organizations in this field. Ali Hasanov gave information about the settlements of refugee and IDPs, the actions taken in the direction of resolution of their social problems. Deputy Prime Minister expressed assuredness that refugee and IDPs would return to their native lands. He mentioned development of relations between Azerbaijan and Belgium and stressed that Belgium was one of the first countries, who recognized independence of Azerbaijan. The relations between two countries are developing successfully. Deputy Prime Minister , expressing his gratitude to the delegation, emphasized the importance of mutual visits. It plays significant role in delivery of Azerbaijan truths in to the World Community. Member of Belgium parliament, Head of Delegation Philip Blanshart who expressed his gratitude for detailed information, stated that Azerbaijan has rich history. Azerbaijani lands always underwent invasions. It showes itself in the history of Belgium. There are kind relations between the parliaments of both countries. Belgium is interested in cooperation in the spheres of education, culture and other. Execution condition of state policy on refugees and IDPs and other interesting issues were discussed at this meeting. At the end of the meeting the disc and book on Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorny Garabagh conflict were presented to visitors.
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