"... The problems of citizens expelled from all occupied regions and now living as refugees and internally displaced persons are the problem number one for us and for me personally".
Çap et 1088
“I believe in victory of justice”, Mark Field
Mətbuat xidmətinin məlumatı 30 MAY, 2011
On May 28 the delegation headed by the Chairman of the UK-Azerbaijan parliamentary group, Mark Field, has met Azerbaijani refugees and IDPs. Vice-chairman of the State Committee on work with refugees and IDPs Geray Farhadov has informed visitors that the refugees and IDPs were settled in 1400 objects of Baku, including 262 hostels. As stated, 14 thousand 968 families, or 50 thousand people live in hostels. The vice-president gave detailed information on resettlement of refugees and IDPs, state programs to improve their living conditions, and protection for the refugee families. Members of the British parliament have then visited the refugees and IDPs settled in Binagadi district of Baku. The guests have taken deep interest in return of the refugees and IDPs when the territories are at last released. Farhadov has told about the state program on return of refugees and IDPs. He has informed that after peace treaty signing in the released territories, at first works should be done on mine clearing. Further, the infrastructure will be created, houses constructed, and then people will prepare for returning. First three years all privileges which they use, will be kept. “Our purpose is to inform on reality in Azerbaijan to the members of parliament of Great Britain. All people, whom we meet, say that the first problem of the country is the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. We understand the excitements experiencing by Azerbaijan in connection with this problem. In each arrival I become the witness of great changes. We welcome obligations taken by the government of Azerbaijan on improvement of social conditions of refugees and IDPs. Everything that I saw, I will tell in my country and in other European countries. I believe in victory of justice”, Mark Field told correspondent.
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