"... The problems of citizens expelled from all occupied regions and now living as refugees and internally displaced persons are the problem number one for us and for me personally".
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The UNHCR High Commissioner Antonio Guterresh have been in the office of State Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan on deals of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons.
Mətbuat xidmətinin məlumatı 19 MAY, 2011
The UNHCR High Commissioner Antonio Quterresh met Deputy Prime Minister, also Ali Hasanov, Chairman of State Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the affairs of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons on May 18, 2011. Ali Hasanov, expressed his pleasure to greet visitor again in Azerbaijan, also mentioned that after his visit to Azerbaijan in 2006, he demonstrated fair position on our country and the actions carried out there, as well as he talked about the truth of Azerbaijan in the countries where he had visited. Deputy Prime Minister, gave a detailed information on carried out actions in the sphere of improvement of social condition of refugees and IDPs. He noted that President of Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev had signed 3 orders on this issue up today. \"The State program for improving the living conditions of refugees and IDPs and the increase of employment among them” by the Order No. 298 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan of July 1, 2004 and Supplements made to that State Program, are implemented successfully. Chairman of Committee also gave detailed information on the issues deriving from decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on additional measures for improvement of housing and living conditions of the IDPs families, on February 21, 2011 issued by President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. He stated that, there had been constructed 67 new settlements for refugee and IDPs families in different cities and regions of the country, more than 100.000 persons had been moved to new buildings. 150 educational, about 50 medical, tens of communication and cultural points had been constructed. you had been in one of newly-constructed hostels, alongside newly-constructed settlement that day. Situation is not so satisfactory. At present, 400.000 IDP’s are living under this condition. 3,7 billion manat, have been spent for refugee and IDP’s up to date. 2,1 billion Manat was allocated from state budget, 860 million Manat from State Oil Fund, 740 million USD Dollars from international humanitarian organizations. After signing a peace contract, the Republic of Azerbaijan will begin execution of “Great Return” Program. Ali Hasanov informed about the parameters of this program. Antonio Quterresh expressed his gratitude for hospitability and kind words addressed to him and his organization. Azerbaijan have implemented a huge issues in order to improve living condition of refugees and IDP’s and these issues are appreciated. Of course, to build the settlements is not easy. But I’m interested in following condition after movement in these settlements. Systematic decisions, should be made in this sphere. We would like to take part in execution of decisions made and prepared by our participation. After signing peace contract, we will support IDP’s to return to their lands. Visitor mentioned that jubilee of two conventions of UN will be celebrated this year. Adoption one of these documents have been carried out 60 years ago, the other one 50 years. I would like you to see you in jubilee conference, also make a speech in front of visitors. Your experience on refugees and IDP’s would be interesting. Antonio Quterresh wishes Azerbaijan to join “Quality Initative” serving in enlightenment of officials of migration service. He stated that 13 countries of European Union were participants of that initiative.
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