The relocation of internally displaced persons in the new residential complex built in the Pirallahi district of Baku begins. 306 IDP families temporarily settled in hostels and other administrative buildings of the district will be given new apartments in the complex, which was opened on July 5 this year with the participation of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and first lady Mehriban Aliyeva.
Measures are being taken consistently in the country to improve the living conditions of IDPs and solve their social problems. Thanks to the care and attention of the head of state, thousands of IDP families are provided with new residential area every year. Measures taken in this direction at the initiative and guidance of First Vice President Mehriban Aliyeva are also of great importance. Internally displaced persons residing in temporary residences in critical and life-threatening conditions are moved first to new apartments.
On July 8, a draw was held among IDPs to be relocated to new apartments in Pirallahi district. The draw is intended to provide objectivity and transparency in their placement. Representatives of IDP families have identified the exact location of their new flats by the draw.
Members of the commission established at the State Committee for Affairs of Refugees and IDPs, representatives of local executive bodies and mass media attended the event.
A new residential complex in Pirallahi district was built under the Order of the Head of State signed in 2011. The construction work launched in the complex which customer is the Social Development Fund of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and contractor "Kristal Absheron" HCC last year, was completed with high quality. Three nine-storey residential buildings with two 72-apartment and one 162-apartment and a school was built here. Infrastructure facilities have been constructed in the area, wide renovation and landscaping work has been done. Special attention was paid to the construction of electricity, water, gas, heating supply and irrigation systems, installation of communication and television network. It is the 104th modern housing complex built for internally displaced people throughout the country.