"... The problems of citizens expelled from all occupied regions and now living as refugees and internally displaced persons are the problem number one for us and for me personally".
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UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Antonio Guterres visited Aghdam and Yevlakh regions.
Mətbuat xidmətinin məlumatı 19 MAY, 2011
Antonio Guterres: “I hope that, I’ll greet the IDPs in their native lands in my following visit to Azerbaijan”. In the framework of two days’ visit to Azerbaijan UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Antonio Guterres flew from Baku to Aghdam region by helicopter on May 18, 2011. Deputy Prime Minister, chairman of State Committee on the affairs of refugees and internally displaced persons Ali Hasanov informed the guest about the problems of IDPs expelled from their native lands as a result of Armenian’s military aggression against Azerbaijan. He mentioned that the large scale measures have been held to improve living condition for refugees and IDPs by Azerbaijan government at its own expense. Special State Program and Appendixes have been approved to it, new settlements have been constructed for internally displaced persons and modern dwelling complexes have been built. In December 2007 the last refugee camp which exists in our country was abolished pursuant to President Ilham Aliyev’s constant care and purposeful policy in this direction. Generally, 67 new settlements have been constructed with all infrastructures for refugees and IDPs until present time. Employment problem of IDPs was paid special attention in these settlements. The works have been done in the direction of improvement of living condition for refugees and IDPs by the state are being carried on successfully. The inhabitants greeted the guests who visited the new settlements constructed for IDPs in the territory of Guzanli village of Aghdam region kindly. They were informed that, the settlement was put into use in November 2010. Ilham Aliyev and Mehriban Aliyeva – the First Lady of Azerbaijan participated at the opening of the settlement. 2760 IDPs were settled in 689 houses built in the settlement. All infrastructures were created in the settlement. The guests visited four room apartment of IDP Oruj Jabbarov, became familiarized with the condition of the family. Afterwards, in the settlement the commissioner met IDPs in the yard of school No 18 of Aghdam region. IDP Gadulla Safarov expressed his gratitude to the guest for meeting with them. G. Safarov mentioned that the UN’s decision on Libya would be implemented soon, as well as he expressed his dissatisfaction on 4 resolutions adopted by UN - SC in accordance with Azerbaijan to be still on paper. Having speech before IDPs A. Guterres said, though I have never been a refugee, I understand you very well and treat you with respect. Your problem hasn’t been forgotten and we won’t forget it. Thanks to its loyalty your government has made a very good condition for you. I was a witness of refugees to be in very bad condition in many places of the World. Fortunately, there are people who have created you such a good condition. I believe that, you will return back to your native lands. Then the guests became familiarized with the school. The UN HCR representatives were in informatics cabinet at school, observed the sport hall. The guests were satisfied with those they saw in modern computer room of school. But in the sport hall teenage sportsmen demonstrated exemplary performance. Antonio Guterres talked to schoolchildren, had his photo taken with them. The representatives of UN HCR were in Yevlakh region on the very same day. In Yevlakh region High Commissioner and people he was followed by visited dwelling complexes newly built for IDPs from Aghdam and Kalbajar. The guests were informed that, 612 families had been settled in 10 nine-story buildings there. During the meeting with IDPs in the yard, the guest was informed that, although they have been provided with convenient condition in the dwelling complex, they want to return to their native lands. The guests were also asked to bring Azerbaijan’s justice voice to the World community. The guests also became familiarized with the condition in four room apartment of IDP Shahmar Goyushov, were interested in their problems around the tea - table. In the meeting held in the yard of Aghdam region secondary school No 23, Kalbajar region secondary school No 30, IDPs expressed their satisfactions in accordance with care for them. They also expressed their dissatisfaction as Armenia continues its occupational policy and don’t pay attention to the demands of international law. Even their condition is good but it cannot replace the native land – said internally displaced persons, asked head commissioner to protect justice voice of Azerbaijan at the international scale. At the end of the meeting A. Guterres emphasized that he hoped he would greet the IDPs in their native lands.
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