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Garadaghly tragedy is recalled by the presentation of the “Genocide Garadaghly” movie
Mətbuat xidmətinin məlumatı
21 February, 2011

On 17 February at the head quarters of the Public Union of the “Azerbaijani community of the Nagorno Karabakh region of Azerbaijan” recalling event was organized regarding the 19th anniversary of Garadaghly tragedy.
The recalling event was attended by officials from President Administration, Cabinet of Ministers, members of Milli Medjlis (Parliament), heads of executive powers of occupied regions and foreign guests.
Deputy Prime Minister, Head of the State Committee on Refugees and IDPs Issues Ali Hasanov, Ombudsman of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Human Rights Elmira Suleymanova, Military Prosecutor Khanlar Hajiyev were also among the participants.
The memorial of the tragedy victims were recalled by one minute silence.
Head of Khojavend Executive Power Eyvaz Huseynov talked about the tragedy. He mentioned that the village was occupied and fired by armed Armenians on 17 February 1992 after hard skirmishes and only after death of its defenders. The Garadaghly tragedy is Azerbaijan’s bloody history. This is also called like the “Second Khojaly”. Every tenth person of the village was a martyr. In 1992 a few days before the Khojaly tragedy 104 civilians of the Garadaghly village and 15 members of the specialized defend group were taken as hostages. 67 of them were killed by Armenian criminals.10 of the killed people were women and 8 were children. In each of two families were killed 4 people, 42 families lost their heads, close to 140 children became orphans. As a result of the occupation 200 private houses, a cultural house, a 320 seats secondary school building, 25 beds hospital building and other structures were destroyed. About 800 inhabitants of the village became internally displaced. The world community is aware of Khojaly tragedy. Nevertheless, so far not only foreign citizens, even many people in country are unaware of Garadaghly tragedy. Particularly, modern youth is not aware of this tragedy. Today will be presented “Tragedy Garadghly” movie. The movie is in Azeri, Russian and English. We believe that the movie will convey true message to the public, generally will play significant role in disseminating Azerbaijan reality in the world. Khajavend people, as well as Gardaghly people feel proud of the strengthening of Azerbaijan and our army. They believe that under the leadership of the General Chief Commander Ilham Aliyev will release the lands from occupation and will be able to return to their homeland.
Producer Etibar Mammadov’s 20 minutes movie “Genoside Garadghly” was presented.
Spouse of a martyr Mobil Zeynalov, Khuraman Tahirova talked anxiously about the tragedy witnessed her. She called the world community to support the justice, to say white to white and black to black. “If you want not to see the truth you must be blind, not to hear you must be deaf” said Khuraman.
Deputy General Prosecutor of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Military Prosecutor Khanlar Valiyev talked about the history of the conflict and said that the history is for to learn, to keep in memory and learn lessons from it. Unfortunately, our memories are too short, as not to mention about things happened in the early 20th century, we have not been able to disseminate the truth about the crimes committed by Armenians 19 years ago. This issue needs serious approach.
The Military Prosecutor emphasized the necessity of not perversion and credibility of facts, unacceptability of showing contradicting figures. He said that the books written and movies produced should be systematized and should be considered for the whole world. He was pleased to inform that his agency is ready to assist authors. He was sure that the day which we will be able to watch movies about the accusation of military criminals is not far.
Deputy Prime Minister, Head of the State Committee on Refugees and IDPs Issues Ali Hasanov also emphasized the necessity of strengthening work related to raising public awareness in the international level about our tragedies and Armenian crimes. He mentioned that all of us must be together in order to achieve the required attention to the problem as a common one of the nation. We can not talk about the improvement unless every Azerbaijani considers the Garadaghly tragedy his or her one. He mentioned regretfully that the Garadaghly tragedy was not alarm for that times leaders of the Republic.
A.Hasanv said: “Our enemy is very tricky. In order to win we must be ready to release our lands from the occupation, and the problem must be common one for the whole nation. Injustice of some international organizations also impedes the solution of the conflict. Nowadays Armenians ignore the decisions and resolutions adopted by some of these organizations, do not fulfill. In return financial assistance is provided to the invader. Nevertheless, we are sure that late or soon the separators will fall down before the policy of the State of Azerbaijan, of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Losers will be Armenians”.
The speaker suggested translating the movie in official languages of the United Nations.
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