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UN and other international agencies must seek immediate solutions for the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh problem
Mətbuat xidmətinin məlumatı
21 JUNE, 2010

The above idea was emphasized once and again during the Event held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel under the motto of “They took my home but they can not take my home”. In the Event held on 18 June, first, the video messages by Mr.Antonio Guterres, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and Mrs Angelina Jolie, Goodwill Ambassador were presented. The video messages was followed by the movie of “Longing for homeland and unfading hopes” dedicated to the life of people displaced from their homeland as a result of Armenian occupation.
Ali Hasanov, Deputy Prime Minister, Head of the State Committee on Refugees and IDPs Issues, Chairman of the Republican Commission on International Humanitarian Assistance, welcomed the representatives of the international agencies, diplomatic corpses and gave extensive information about the productive measures taken by the Government of Azerbaijan in the direction of the solution of the refugee and IDP problem. He mentioned that the indispensable role of the assistance provided by number of international agencies, including the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and humanitarian organizations of Europe and America, Turkey and some Arabic countries to eliminate the damages caused by political and socio-economic tension created as a result of Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict in nineties of the last century is undeniable. Otherwise, a humanitarian disaster could have been unavoidable in the country. On behalf of the Government of Azerbaijan, Ali Hasanov expressed high appreciation to all humanitarian organizations for the successful fulfillment of humanitarian missions during that period and nowadays.
Ali Hasanov, Deputy Prime Minister, Head of SCR also mentioned that international humanitarian organizations used to implement projects in the size of 75-80 million US dollars every year and the Government of Azerbaijan used to spend 1-2 million US dollars every year at that period, last year international humanitarian organizations fulfilled their missions with 25-30 million US dollars. The Government of Azerbaijan allocates about 400 million US dollars every year to the solution of social problems of refugees and IDPs. Ali Hasanov talked about the essential measures in the context of socio-economic reforms conducted in the country in recent years in the direction of improvement of living conditions of refugees and IDPs, their employment, providing healthcare services for them, enrollment of children and adolescents to education. He mentioned that the strategy prepared and run by the National Leader is successfully followed by Mr. Ilham Aliyev, the Head of the State. He brought to the attention of participants the fact that the housing condition, solution of other social problems of displaced people who fled from their homes because of the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict is among the priorities of the Government.
Ali Hasanov said with regret that although the international organisations declared their recognition of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, they do not pay serious efforts for peaceful solution of the problem, and do not want to protect rights of Azerbaijanis suffered from the conflict. Decisions are made, but the implementation procedures are not found yet. There is a question: Why invader Armenia is assisted all-round? These are confronting with international conventions. Why Armenia, the country that ignores international law and conventions, is respected in such a level? We are wondering that how long will last such strange, unfair situation?
Ali Hasanov brought to the attention of the participants that the Government of Azerbaijan is capable to take all measures to improve social condition of its citizens suffered from the conflict. All kind of provisions have been established within the country to protect their rights. Ilham Aliyev, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan has done all possible steps in the direction of peaceful solution of Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict and is successfully continuing his activity in the field. “Nevertheless we would very much like that UN and other international agencies paid more serious efforts for peaceful solution of the mentioned problem. This would be significant contribution to the restoration of peace and security in South Caucasus, as well as the protection of people suffered from the conflicts.”
At the end of his speech Ali Hasanov, Deputy Prime Minister, Head of the State Committee on refugees and IDPs Issues said that the solidarity with refugees and IDPs is demonstrated by celebrating the World Refugee Day. He expressed his sincere wish that people who lost their homes because of conflicts returned back to their homeland and built their life as it was previously. For this purpose all UN Security Council resolutions should be implemented soon, the activity of OSCE and other international agencies should be strengthened; goodwill missions of donor countries should be continued.
Mr.Arun Sala-Ngarm, Representative of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees in Azerbaijan and Mr.Jerome Pons, Chief of the Politics, Information and Press Department of the European Union Representation in Azerbaijan expressed their interest in extending the activity of international agencies and powerful states in the direction of the improvement of social state of displaced people, as well as in raising effectiveness of such activities. The speech makers shared their hope that the dreams of more than one million people displaced as a result of Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict will come to reality and their longing for homeland will be ended. Umud Mirzayev, Chairman of the International Eurasian Pres Fund emphasized in his speech that the most desire of people who have found temporary asylum somewhere must be realised and they must be able to go back to their homeland. They can be happy only in their own homes. The efforts must be aimed at this and the implementation of international documents adopted in this direction.
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