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Head of ICRC Delegation hails Azerbaijan`s attention to problems of refugees and IDPs
Mətbuat xidmətinin məlumatı
03 August, 2016

Head of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Delegation in Baku Elena Ajmone Sessera has praised what the Azerbaijani government is doing to address the problems of refugees and IDPs as she met with Deputy PM, chair of the State Committee for Refugees and IDPs Ali Hasanov. “Development of Azerbaijan is apparent,” she said. Ajmone Sessera expressed gratitude to the Azerbaijani government for supporting the ICRC mission in the country.
The two discussed cooperation between the ICRC and the government of Azerbaijan as well as other partners. They also exchanged views on projects implemented by the ICRC in Azerbaijan.
Hasanov hailed the organization`s humanitarian programs for refugees and IDPs expelled from Nagorno-Karabakh. He provided an insight into conditions created by President Ilham Aliyev to ensure free and transparent activity of all international organizations in the country.
He lauded Ajmone Sessera`s efforts towards meeting needs of the civil population. Hasanov noted the “important” work carried out by the ICRC in Azerbaijan in war situation.
The head of the ICRC Delegation in Azerbaijan told about the organization`s projects aimed at providing agricultural support and financial grants for people who live in frontline zones and whose farms were damaged or destroyed during the April provocation of the Armenian armed forces, conducting first aid trainings in the conflict zone and organizing leisure activities for children suffering from the shock of war.
In the meeting, in which consequences of Armenia’s military aggression, the condition of refugees and internally displaced persons, work done in the field of improving their social, housing and living condition and other issues were dealt with in details, views on the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, its history and causes, policy pursued by the government of Azerbaijan to resolve the conflict, problem that has still remained unresolved due to non-constructive position Armenia, loyal attitude of the OSCE Minsk Group, as well as some international organizations towards the settlement of the problem and other issues have also been exchanged.
By emphasizing that our country has faced with a serious problem like Azerbaijan-Armenia, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict after gaining independence no progress has been achieved to solve the problem up to now Ali Hasanov has expressed his regret that there is lack of implementation mechanism of the decisions adopted by the world community and powerful organizations. He also emphasized that Armenia, which has occupied 20% of Azerbaijan lands, has plundered our national and cultural wealth and the entire infrastructure has been destroyed. Armenia ignores the resolutions and decisions adopted by the UN Security Council and other international organizations on the conflict. The talks of the OSCE Minsk Group for the resolution of problem have not yielded any results. Ali Hasanov stated that the President of Azerbaijan Republic carries out an independent policy and cooperates with all the countries. But why this problem is not resolved? No one responds to this question. But they should know that the justice will take its place sooner or later. The perpetrators of this injustice whenever will face with this problem. Ali Hasanov noted that, continuing to occupy the Azerbaijani lands, aggressive Armenia achieved nothing. For this period, the economy of Armenia appeared in even more difficult situation. For the last years, the Armenian people benefited nothing from the conflict, on the contrary, a lot of things lost. Azerbaijan after restoration of its independence has built a democratic, constitutional state. OSCE Minsk Group has been engaged in the settlement of the problem more than 20 years, but what could it achieve during these years? Nothing. They just come and go as tourists. Our President, state pursues a policy of peace. We don’t want war, we want a peaceful solution to the problem. But the patience of Azerbaijan Republic and people has a limit, but we have already lost our patience. The last events showed that if it goes like this, Azerbaijan will release its lands itself on the basis of international law. Deputy Prime Minister expressed: “We think that, this problem will end. Azerbaijani and Armenian people will continue to live in the neighborhood after the solution of the problem, as they have lived for 200 years before. If Armenians realize this quickly much, it is also good for them. If there was no Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict, oil and gas pipelines would pass from the territory of Armenia and they would benefit from this. They have isolated themselves from this with this problem.”
After the events occurred in April, providing information about his visit to Fuzuli, Aghdam and Tartar regions Deputy Prime Minister highlighted that, as a result of shelling of settlements of Aghdam, Tartar and Aghjabadi regions and civil population by the Armenians, 17 IDPs were martyred, totally 452 apartments resided by IDPs were damaged, 15 of them were completely and 437 of them were partially destroyed and 311 large and small livestock was perished. But despite of all this, local population continues to live in the native lands by believing the power of our army, sees and highly appreciate the strong support, attention and care of Azerbaijani government and personally Mr. President. All the houses affected as a result of the Armenian provocative attacks are restored at a higher level than before by the instructions of the President of Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev and all these works will be completed as soon as possible. In addition, all material damage caused to the IDPs was calculated. Bank accounts were opened for each of them and the funds were transferred to their private accounts.
Ali Hasanov added in the end that, the President of Azerbaijan Republic repeatedly stated that Azerbaijan will never allow the establishment of a second Armenian state on its lands and Nagorno-Karabakh will never be independent. We want to solve the problem peacefully. At the same time, Mr. President stated: "We don’t want to see even Armenian mothers with tearful eyes." This is the humanism of Mr. President.
Today Azerbaijan is open for the world, it is the most tolerant country. Representatives of all nationalities, religions live here as one family, in the conditions of peace and tranquility. Churches and synagogues function in Baku. Over the last ten years, the country has held two interreligious international conferences. Religious leaders almost from 160 countries participated in these events. Over the last ten years, Azerbaijan, quickly developing under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, has turned into one of the authoritative countries of the world. We are already recognized and accepted not as the oil and gas country, also as the country realizing global projects, accepting the important actions directed on the solution of universal problems. We can show as an example “Eurovision” song contest, First European Olympic Games held in Baku for the first time, international dialogue forums and many other similar events.
They also discussed situation around two Azerbaijani citizens – Dilgam Asgarov and Shahbaz Guliyev – who were arrested and later imprisoned by the separatist Nagorno-Karabakh regime after visiting the graves of their parents in a cemetery located in Azerbaijan`s occupied Kalbajar district. Hasanov said the issue had been under personal control of President Ilham Aliyev from the first day: “Instructed by President Ilham Aliyev, I discussed the issue of the release of our two citizens with the President of the ICRC when I was in Geneva. I asked him to assist us in establishing direct contacts of Dilgam and Shahbaz with their families through advanced communication means. He promised to help. But, unfortunately, there has been no result ever since,” Hasanov added.
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