"... The problems of citizens expelled from all occupied regions and now living as refugees and internally displaced persons are the problem number one for us and for me personally".
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One more new residential complex for the internally displaced persons was brought into use in Gazakh
Mətbuat xidmətinin məlumatı 14 April, 2016
As it known, the housing and living conditions of thousands of internally displaced persons is improved every year with the attention and care of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev. Ever noting that the liberation of our lands from the occupation, returning of the internally displaced persons back to their native lands and the improvement of their housing and living condition before that is the priority issue before our country, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan regularly focuses on the solution of the problems of refugees and internally displaced persons and for this purpose puts specific duties forward for consideration. For the solution of these duties at the highest level, the strategy determined by the President Ilham Aliyev as well as the tasks arising from the attention and care of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the refugees and internally displaced persons are carried out early and in a high quality . In connection with the implementation of paragraph 1.7. of the “Annexes” made with the Order dated on February 21, 2011to the “State Program on the improvement of the living condition and employment increase of the refugees and internally displaced persons” confirmed by the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated on July 1, 2004, the town built along with the all necessary social and technical infrastructure facilities covering a large area in the beautiful part of Gazakhbayli village for the internally displaced families temporarily settled in the territory of border region Gazakh and already accepting its residents is a good example of the above-mentioned. According to the project, 10 four-store building with 304 apartments was built in the area. There are 52 one-room, 156 two-room, 88 three-room, 8 four-room apartments in the buildings. Moreover, 220-seat school building, 50-seat kindergarten, medical center, ATS building and the buildings for clubs and community centers was also built in the area. Residential complex has been fully supplied with gas, water, modern heating system and electricity and comprehensive landscaping and gardening works were carried out in the area of 3.6 hectares. Construction of the residential building began in April 2015 and fully completed in December. It is intended to resettle our compatriots resided in the dormitories and schools, administrative buildings and kindergartens in the territory of Gazakh region. In this residential neighborhood, either the construction of separately residential buildings, or the school building, kindergarten built here, as well as the medical center, ATS building, club and community center and other social facilities, or the external and internal electricity lines, water, sewer lines, heating system and other technical infrastructures was carried out in a high-quality and in the length of 3 km modern road-street infrastructure was created. Conditions were created at the level of modern requirements for the students to study at the highest level in the school and classrooms and gym of the school, as well as the kindergarten were equipped with all the necessary inventory and equipment. 9 sanitation and cleaning area were organized in the residential complex. Currently, the resettlement of the internally displaced families which were intended to resettle here by Repatriation Department of the State Committee on deals of refugees and internally displaced persons according to the relevant rules is continued. As a result of the implementation of the works systematically and promptly, the resettlement is under completion. The internally displaced persons resettled in the new neighborhood expressed their gratitude to the President Ilham Aliyev for the conditions created. They expressed that they rely on the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and believe that all the lands under the occupation will be liberated as a result of the wise and decisive policy of our President.
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