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The problems of refugees and internally displaced persons were discussed in the session of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Mətbuat xidmətinin məlumatı
01 October, 2014

On September 29, 65th session of the Executive Committee of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) started in Geneva.
The delegations of member states of UNHCR Executive Committee, international organizations providing assistance to refugees, regional, donor and representatives of partner organizations of UN attend the session.
The delegation led by the Deputy Prime Minister, Chairman of the State Committee on Deals of Refugees and IDPs Ali Hasanov represents Azerbaijan at the event.
The UN High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres, Chairperson of the Executive Committee Seokyoung Choi, UN Secretary-General's Special Adviser for the Prevention of Genocide Adama Dieng, Minister for Home Affairs and Immigration of Namibia (on behalf of the Africa Group) H.E. Pendukeni Iivula-Ithana, as well as the heads of several international organizations and delegations made speeches on the first day of the session. The importance of increasing humanitarian aid for refugees, as well as the provision of political will in conflict and crisis zones and the elimination of the causes of the problems of refugees was mentioned in speeches.
Speaking at the session, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ali HASANOV said:
- Distinguished Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen
First of all, I would like to express gratitude to the UN High Commissioner for the initiative put forward in a timely manner regarding to the holding of the discussion within the framework of high segment about the situation of refugees in the continent of Africa in the current session of the Executive Committee.
Mass migration of people across this continent, as well as outside its borders poses new challenges before the international community including the problems of refugees and IDPs existing for a long time. Azerbaijan is seriously concerned about this issue. A fact which is a cause for concern that required progress has not been achieved in the settlement of the several long-lasting problems of refugees and internally displaced persons in Africa. We welcome and highly appreciate the operational approach of UNHCR to new critical situations, as well as the current situation in Africa. The government of Azerbaijan has always highly been appreciating the cooperation with UNHCR and supports its activity not only in our country, but also at the international level. Azerbaijan as a country suffering from the problems relating to the occupation of one/fifth of its territory recognized at the international level by its neighbour Armenia for more than 20 years is well aware of the entire burden of the problems experienced by the countries of Africa. Not being indifferent to the humanitarian problems in this continent, Azerbaijan is continuing to expand its humanitarian activity both with the line of international organizations and on a bilateral basis in a way that fits its capabilities. I would like to note in this respect that newly established International Development Agency (AIDA) under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by the government of Azerbaijan is implementing numerous humanitarian projects in different parts of the world, including African countries. Today AIDA successfully implements projects in health fields of Chad, Djibouti, Benin, and Guinea, Cameron, Niger, Mali, Libya within the framework of the strategic partnership with Islamic Development Bank. In 2011-2012, Burkina-Faso was provided with financial aid regarding the humanitarian crisis as a result of the drought.
Along with it, humanitarian charity event was held together with the international organizations in South Sudan with the initiative of the Vice-President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation Ms. Leyla Aliyeva.
Dear Mr. Chairman, events taking place in Africa again shows the importance of real international cooperation in the prevention of the problems of refugees and internally displaced persons. At the same time, it should be mentioned that long-lasting forced displacements in Africa require comprehensive analysis of the problem and the reasons for the long-term failure in the finding solution of it from the international community. All these new challenges demand the comprehensive approach to their solution.
In this regard, I would like to remind you that indifferent position of the international community to the people changing their places for a long time is a real threat to the international peace and security. Taking this into consideration, we urge international community to demonstrate fair position, not limit itself to humanitarian activities and take necessary political steps to eliminate the causes of the problem. In connection with this, we share the call of High Commissioner to international cooperation relating to the showing political will in order to put an end to conflicts for the purpose of preventing displacements in a forced manner in the future.
As I mentioned, Azerbaijan is one of the countries who suffers from the long-term problems of displaced persons. Although it has been more than twenty years, the issue of returning of Azerbaijani to their native lands remains unresolved. Districts adjacent to the Nagorno-Karabakh region of the Republic of Azerbaijan have been completely destroyed. During the visit to the occupied territories and evaluation of the existing situation by the two fact-finding missions of OSCE, this organization noted that the destructions were considerably higher and confirmed that ethnic Armenians from other countries were settled in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan. Violation of demographic balance of the occupied territories and the process of forced resettlement continues to the present day.
The government of Azerbaijan has been implementing the tasks assigned since the arising of the problem of refugees and IDPs in the country. The government of the country takes numerous measures to solve the problems of refugees and IDPs with the help of a number of international donors including UNHCR. During his visits to Azerbaijan, Mr. Guterres witnessed these accomplishments and we would like to thank him for highly appreciating measures taken by the government of Azerbaijan.
In July of this year, Dilgam Asgarov, Shahbaz Guliyev and Hasan Hasanov were taken hostages while visiting the graves of their ancestors in Kalbajar district of Azerbaijan, which was occupied by Armenians. One of them- internally displaced person Hasan Hasanov was killed while he was being taken hostage. These civilians were accused of committing sabotage by Armenian side. They are now captive in the hands of Armenians and they undergo inhumane treatment there. All these are the serious violations of international law, as well as the 4th Geneva Convention. We demand the immediate return of our fellow citizens including the dead body of Hasanov. We also call UN and its related agencies, including other international organizations to exert pressure on Armenia and to help the returning of abovementioned citizens.
Then, I would like to note that as it was mentioned in the four resolutions of UN Security Council and resolution of UN General Assembly, including in the several documents adopted by international organizations, creation of the opportunity for the refugees and internally displaced persons to return is considerably important for the comprehensive protection of people of this category. Lastly, I would like to mention again that solution of the problems of internally displaced persons and their protection requires through approach, as well as the preparation of relevant international convention project. It would also be significantly important in the solution of the problems of internally displaced persons, provided that all parties shall carry out their responsibilities. Thanks for your attention!
After the session, the head of the delegation of Azerbaijan Ali Hasanov met with the UN High Commissioner Antonio Guterres and State Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Somalia Bur'i Mohamed Hamza.
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