Çap et
There was hold broad Board meeting of State Committee on the Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons Affairs devoted to the results of the past nine month activities.
Mətbuat xidmətinin məlumatı
26 October, 2009

The Board meeting was opened by introductory speech of the Deputy Prime Minister – Chairman of the State Refugee Committee A. Hasanov, he expressed his opinion on the points standing on the board meeting’s agenda and informed about the tasks to lead on in reference to the issues touched by the speech of President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev in the broad meeting at the Cabinet of Ministers devoted to the summary of social economic development achieved during the last nine month of 2009.
During the discussions of the points in the agenda of the Board meeting there was emphasized that, the head of the state is always attentive to the solution of refugees’ and internally displaced persons’ problems. The additional proof to this, is the decree on “additional activities for improvement of housing conditions of internally displaced families” signed by Mr. Ilham Aliyev on 2nd of September 2009. There was emphasized that according to the requirements stated in the appropriate paragraphs and articles of the State Program and amendments made to the program the activities on the resettlement of refugees to the newly constructed settlement was completed on time, the preparatory activities are being conducted for resettlement of IDPs to the settlement constructed for 596 families in the territory of Goranboy district. The large numbers of capable internally displaced people were provided with permanent employment at different budget organizations and other fields. The majority of internally displaced persons have settled in the rural regions as well as the newly constructed IDP settlements. The internally displaced persons in those regions were provided with plot of land and all the proper conditions for establishing a household farming. As result of the mutual cooperation between the appropriate department of the Committee and the Headquarter of Recruitment Department 1324 persons were provided with the permanent employment, 428 persons obtained unemployment status, 438 persons were directed to vocational trainings, 196 persons were engaged in social works, and 528 were provided with unemployment allowances. During the meeting it was mentioned that in the Amendment made to the State Program there was considered construction of new settlements and high multi-floored buildings including all the social- technical infrastructure in the territory of Baku, Ganja, Sumgayit cities as well as Absheron and Goy-gol regions for 1479 internally displaced persons families who were temporarily settled in the buildings belonging to military unit of the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan Republic and who needs to be reallocated. At the end Ali Hasanov emphasized that, the political perspicacity and decisive actions for the sake of our nations’ and our country’s benefit taken by mr. Ilham Aliyev gives us the faith, that the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan and Nagorno Karabakh conflict shall find its fair solution. There was taken appropriate decisions on the issues discussed at the board meeting.
During the discussions of the points in the agenda of the Board meeting there was emphasized that, the head of the state is always attentive to the solution of refugees’ and internally displaced persons’ problems. The additional proof to this, is the decree on “additional activities for improvement of housing conditions of internally displaced families” signed by Mr. Ilham Aliyev on 2nd of September 2009. There was emphasized that according to the requirements stated in the appropriate paragraphs and articles of the State Program and amendments made to the program the activities on the resettlement of refugees to the newly constructed settlement was completed on time, the preparatory activities are being conducted for resettlement of IDPs to the settlement constructed for 596 families in the territory of Goranboy district. The large numbers of capable internally displaced people were provided with permanent employment at different budget organizations and other fields. The majority of internally displaced persons have settled in the rural regions as well as the newly constructed IDP settlements. The internally displaced persons in those regions were provided with plot of land and all the proper conditions for establishing a household farming. As result of the mutual cooperation between the appropriate department of the Committee and the Headquarter of Recruitment Department 1324 persons were provided with the permanent employment, 428 persons obtained unemployment status, 438 persons were directed to vocational trainings, 196 persons were engaged in social works, and 528 were provided with unemployment allowances. During the meeting it was mentioned that in the Amendment made to the State Program there was considered construction of new settlements and high multi-floored buildings including all the social- technical infrastructure in the territory of Baku, Ganja, Sumgayit cities as well as Absheron and Goy-gol regions for 1479 internally displaced persons families who were temporarily settled in the buildings belonging to military unit of the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan Republic and who needs to be reallocated. At the end Ali Hasanov emphasized that, the political perspicacity and decisive actions for the sake of our nations’ and our country’s benefit taken by mr. Ilham Aliyev gives us the faith, that the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan and Nagorno Karabakh conflict shall find its fair solution. There was taken appropriate decisions on the issues discussed at the board meeting.
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