"... The problems of citizens expelled from all occupied regions and now living as refugees and internally displaced persons are the problem number one for us and for me personally".
Çap et 1810
An infotour has been organized for the first time to the Kalbajar district
Mətbuat xidmətinin məlumatı 27 JULY, 2024

An infotour has been organized for the first time to the Kalbajar district, jointly organized by the State Committee for Affairs of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Presidential Special Representative Office in Kalbajar district.

Participants of the infotour were given detailed information about the restoration and reconstruction work being carried out in the district under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, as well as the measures being implemented to prepare the local population for their return to their homeland. The artists were given the opportunity to experience Kalbajar’s enchanting nature firsthand and see the breathtaking landscapes visually. They also observed the traces of atrocities committed by armenians in these areas, the destruction and looting of their homeland and interacted with local residents who have arrived for agricultural purposes. The artists took advantage of the opportunity to draw nature scenes directly from life, creating sketches on paper and canvas and conducting photo and video shoots.

During their visit, the creative group toured Kalbajar city, the ancient Albanian monastery of Khudavang, and the area where the Sarsang Reservoir is located. They noted that the visit was productive and beneficial.

It is worth mentioning that, as part of the implementation of Subparagraph 3.1.2 of the Action Plan of the Great Return State Program I, the State Committee for Affairs of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons organizes infotours to Karabakh and Eastern Zangazur with the participation of various groups of creative professionals.


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