"... The problems of citizens expelled from all occupied regions and now living as refugees and internally displaced persons are the problem number one for us and for me personally".
Çap et 1264
An event dedicated to the National Press Day was held
Mətbuat xidmətinin məlumatı 23 JULY, 2024

An event dedicated to National Press and Journalism Day was held at the State Committee for Affairs of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons. The event was attended by the committee's leadership, employees of the International Cooperation and Public Relations Department, representatives from the editorial office of the “Veten sesi” newspaper, which is not part of the committee's structure, and social media activists.

The committee chairman, Rovshan Rzayev, highlighted the significant role of our national press, founded by the great educator Hasan bey Zardabi, in the cultural renaissance and advancement of our people. He also noted that during all periods of leadership by the National Leader Heydar Aliyev, conditions were created for the development of journalism, and President Ilham Aliyev provides comprehensive support for the effective functioning of modern media and communication tools. Rzayev congratulated those who have devoted their lives to the honorable profession of journalism and wished them success in their creative endeavors. He noted that journalists play an active role in covering state policies related to refugees and internally displaced persons, the Great Return to liberated areas, and sustainable settlement and economic reintegration in restored and newly established residential areas.

It was recalled that the “Veten sesi” newspaper, which has a 30-year history of publication as one of the first independent media outlets in our country, has played a significant role in covering state policies regarding refugees and internally displaced persons, as well as in disseminating the truth about the tragedies in Karabakh, Eastern Zangazur and Western Azerbaijan, and the lives of our displaced compatriots. The newspaper, which promotes our national and moral values, continues its activities in an online format and actively covers the revival of Karabakh and Eastern Zangazur, the progress of the Great Return and social projects initiated by First Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva under President Ilham Aliyev’s leadership.

On National Press Day, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Nasib Garamanli and photojournalist Adalat Mehdiyev were awarded with the committee chairman’s gratitude certificates for their long-term work in the media and their efforts in highlighting the issues of refugees and internally displaced persons.

Certificates were also presented to employees who showed activity in publishing information on the State Committee’s social media accounts.

During the event, medals awarded by Presidential Decree No. 23 dated June 23, 2024, were presented to state officials honored with the “Progress Medal” and the “Medal for Distinction in State Service”.


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