"... The problems of citizens expelled from all occupied regions and now living as refugees and internally displaced persons are the problem number one for us and for me personally".
Çap et 1893
A special hotline has been established at the State Committee to support returning residents
Mətbuat xidmətinin məlumatı 15 JULY, 2024

In line with the Action Plan of the First State Program on the Great Return, the State Committee for Affairs of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons has established a dedicated hotline to support residents returning to the liberated territories.

Initially, the committee staff have been briefed on the operational procedures of the new hotline. Supervisor Emin Mahmudov provided detailed information on the principles of operation for the newly established hotline.

Citizens are advised to dial 1657 through all telephone service providers for information and inquiries related to both the return to the liberated territories and other activities of the State Committee.

Calls will be answered automatically: pressing 1 will direct the caller to information and inquiries about the return to the liberated territories, while pressing 2 will provide information and inquiries about other activities of the State Committee. In both cases, it will be noted that calls are recorded for service quality measurement purposes.

After pressing 1, the citizen will be directly connected to the hotline operator.

Pressing 2 will require the citizen to dial an internal number if known. If not, they should press:

- 1 for inquiries related to applications,

- 2 to schedule an appointment with senior officials,

- 3 for information about the unified monthly allowance,

- 4 for registration issues,

- 5 for questions about the ID of internally displaced persons,

- 6 for issues related to the operation of apartments in settlements,

- 7 for questions about housing.

Pressing 0 will connect the caller to an operator.

The hotline will operate on weekdays from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

A dedicated office with the necessary technical equipment has been allocated for the hotline operators. The hotline is operational and ready to receive calls from citizens.

Additionally, it should be noted that Clause 4.10 of the April 4, 2022, Decree No. 3199 on the “Approval of the National Action Plan for Strengthening the Fight Against Corruption for 2022-2026” also includes provisions for improving the operations of call centers.


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