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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev took part in a ceremony marking the opening of a new settlement constructed for 423 IDP families in Shaki.
Mətbuat xidmətinin məlumatı
10 September, 2012

On September 9, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev took part in a ceremony during his visit to Shaki that was marking the opening of a new settlement constructed for 423 IDP families in this region.
Firstly, the Head of State visited the house of IDP Vagif Huseynov from Shusha.
Two children of this family said the poem of "Azerbaijan" of our People's Poet S.Vurghun to our Head of State. The President of Azerbaijan got familiarized with the conditions of house. It was reported that the house of Vagif Huseynov whose family members are 6 is a house with four rooms. All necessary conditions for the family's comfortable life were created here. Then President Ilham Aliyev visited Agdam secondary school No 29 that was constructed in the settlement for internally displayed persons for 360 pupils. Here the residents of the settlement warmly welcomed our Head of State. President Ilham Aliyev listened to the speech of the members of amateur art associations.
Then the Azerbaijani President met the internally displaced persons and the public of the town of Shaki.
Greeting the people assembled there the Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said:
“I congratulate you on the occasion of the opening of this beautiful school and settlement. The settlement consisting of 423 houses has been built probably within several months. The Azerbaijani citizens who have moved to these houses lived in critical conditions in the Finnish-type houses before. We built this beautiful settlement in order to improve their social and living conditions. It is an immense work and a historical event in reality. It is an evidence that Azerbaijan as a state cares for its citizens, particularly for those who are in need of the care.
As you know, we have allocated 300 million manats from the State Oil Fund for this purpose. In comparison with the previous years it is a much bigger sum. Perhaps this sum will increase more next year and the problems of the internally displaced persons will be solved soon.
This settlement has been built within the frames of “The State Program on the improvement of the living conditions and employment of the refugees and internally displaced persons”. The execution of this program allowed us liquidate all the tent camps first and build new settlements in their places. That was the first stage of our program. In the present stage we provide with better living conditions our internally displaced compatriots settled in the Finnish-type houses, in school buildings, in the territories of the military units. This settlement is just a part of the work performed this year. This year several settlements have been built and are being built. By the end of the year the construction of several other settlements will be completed and given at the disposal of our citizens. The settlements have wonderful schools, houses with every comfort, infrastructure and communal services. They have been supplied with water, gas and electricity, roads have been laid. In one word, it will be possible to live comfortably in this and in the rest of the new settlements. The social policy of the Azerbaijani government is evident in the example of the construction of this settlement once more.
What concerns the activity of the State Oil Fund we must say that all the constructed settlements and to be constructed settlements for all the internally displaced persons will be built on the account of the State Oil Fund. The foundation of this tradition has been laid by the national leader of the Azerbaijani people Heydar Aliyev. Just by his errand and decree the first oil revenues were directed to the solution of the problems of the internally displaced persons. As in all the spheres, in this sphere also we are devoted to the policy of our national leader. This policy is being continued and the State Oil Fund is doing a lot in this sphere. This settlement and other settlements, buildings constructed on the line of the State Oil Fund show once more that oil belongs to the Azerbaijani people, it is our national property. By making an efficient use of this property we strengthen the economy of the country, implement into life infrastructure projects and at the same time solve the problems of the internally displaced persons.
I believe that new settlements will be built in future, too. At present 120 000 internally displaced persons have been provided with such beautiful, comfortable houses. But we have enough number of internally displaced persons still living in conditions not sufficiently fit for living. We are trying, shall try to solve their problems, and as said a while ago, the internally displaced persons will be moved to new, beautiful houses and buildings from hostels, schools, kindergartens and from the territories of the military units.
We are lessening this social burden and at the same time solving the problems connected with the employment of the internally displaced persons. But the main problem is that our lands are still under the occupation of the Armenian military forces. You know its reason well. As a result of the aggression of Armenia against Azerbaijan, as a result of its occupationist policy our lands are under occupation. As a result of the support of the patrons of Armenia in the world this conflict is not being solved yet, though there are all opportunities and a legal base for the solution of the conflict. The international organizations have adopted decisions, resolutions on the conflict. The leaders of the leading world stated have adopted statements on it that the current situation may not last long and it must be changed. But unfortunately, Armenia ignores these challenges and the world community also does not exert sufficient pressure on them. This is the reason why the problem remains unsolved.
We shall strengthen our country and its international positions hence. There are sufficient legal bases for the solution of the problem; these legal bases support the position of Azerbaijan. The United Nations, its Security Council, OSCE, the Council of Europe, the European Parliament and other international organizations have adopted decisions which are the only means for the solution of the problem.
The territorial integrity of Azerbaijan is recognized by all the world countries, this conflict may find its solution only within the frames of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. There is not any change in the position of Azerbaijan in connection with the solution of the conflict and we shall not divert the road which we pursue, NagornoKarabakh is an ancestral, historical Azerbaijani territory. Azerbaijan must restore its territorial integrity. The aggressors must leave all the occupied territories, they will be compelled to leave them, the Azerbaijani citizens must return home and they will do that without any fail. Our compatriots will return to NagornoKarabakh, to Khankendi, Shusha and to the districts located beyond the borders of NagornoKarabakh Province.
I am sure in it, I believe it and there are factors which strengthen my belief. The international laws, the economic might of Azerbaijan, our military potential ad strengthening position of Azerbaijan in the international arena allow us say it. If we review only one year in the history of Azerbaijan we shall witness it. We are a member of the most reliable organization of the world of the United Nations and its Security Council. We chaired the latter several months ago. We joined this organization with the support of 155 countries.
Recently 120 world countries members of the Movement of Non-Alliance Countries supported the resolution on the solution of the conflict over NagornoKarabakh within the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, 120 countries form the majority of the world community. In many cases we hear the notion of the international community, but some institutions by this notion mean themselves. The international community does not mean the alliance of 20 or 30 countries. International community is the United Nations, and 155 members of the United Nations supported us. International community is the Movement of Non-Alliance countries, in which there are 120 countries. They also supported us. That is, the international community supports our position, and of course, it gives us additional chances and increases our belief in the fairness of our cause.
But along with it, the Minsk Group of OSCE was created for this purpose 20 years ago, that is, for the solution of this conflict, but it is unable to cope with the task, it is unable to exert necessary pressure on Armenia. We understand that the conflict may be solved with the application of force by Azerbaijan, and it must. Therefore we must be very strong, stronger than ever. We must strengthen our army and we are doing it. At present the Azerbaijani army is the strongest army not only in the region, but also among the armies of the world countries. By strengthening our economic potential we move our country forward. It allows us pursue an independent policy in connection with all the issues. In our foreign and home policy we take into account our national interests. A strong Azerbaijan means a strong regional factor. It is a stabilizing factor and at the same time it makes other countries take into account the position of Azerbaijan in the solution of the regional problems. It is impossible to ignore the position of Azerbaijan in the regional issues, it has not produced any yield and the recent history evidences it. Therefore, the stronger we are, the sooner we shall be able to restore our territorial integrity.
We have unequivocal position in connection with the solution of the conflict. I have disclosed my views on it several times. All the occupied territories must be liberated, the occupationist forces must leave them, then there may emerge peace and cooperation, the sources of danger may disappear. As long as our lands are under occupation, Armenia is our first number target.
We shall isolate Armenia from all international and regional projects hence. This policy is producing its yields, and the instigator of the present grave economic situation in Armenia is Azerbaijan. It is unequivocal. According to the official statistics of Armenia itself 80 000 people have left the country in the first half of the year. By the end of the year I think that it will grow twice. But the population of Azerbaijan is growing in number, in five or ten years the increase of population in Azerbaijan will be one-tenth, or perhaps even less if it is compared in per cents. That is, these factors must make them think. The grave economic and the demographic situation in the country, isolation from all the international projects must make them think and worry.
Azerbaijan is developing. Though a part of our territory is under occupation, still we have great economic achievements, multiply them. Several days ago a reliable international economic forum the Economic Forum in Davos gave the 46th place to Azerbaijan among the world countries according to the competitive ability of the economies, and the first place among the CIS-countries. That is, our cause is a just cause; we are for the restoration of justice and shall achieve it.
The Number One issue for us, for our foreign policy, in general, the Number One problem on our agenda is the liberation of our lands from occupation. We are working hard day and night and shall continue our efforts.
You, dear compatriots, dear friends, have been living in the territory of the District of Shaki for many years. The residents of Shaki received you open-heartedly. You felt like home here. But, of course, I know that you are waiting impatiently for the day when you will return home, to Karabakh. That day will also arrive. But all living conditions have been created for you in the town of Shaki, too. The residents of Shaki are very hospitable and kind, you feel and see it, too.
A lot is being done in connection with the development of the district and town of Shaki. I have been to Shaki many times, I was here last year, this year and before. Huge construction and improvement works are being conducted. Today we laid the foundations of Heydar Aliyev Centre. A lot is being done in Shaki in the sphere of culture, medicine and education in Shaki, infrastructure projects are being implemented into life. Shaki is a great cultural centre; it is a district of rich history and culture. The cultural and historical monuments of Shaki are being protected and restored duly, because they are our common national heritage, wealth.
The issue of renewal of the communal infrastructure of the district and town is finding its solution. In one word, Shaki is developing dynamically. Shaki has its own place in Azerbaijan, I repeat it again: Shaki is the centre of science, culture and arts. It has a wonderful nature, honest people, I am very glad that the construction and improvement works are being performed here speedily and with high quality. My last visit to Shaki was last autumn, not a year has passed yet, but the changes what I see gladden me very much.
I have issued several instructions in connection with the development of Shaki. One of them, which is of great importance, concerns the history of Shaki, covers the issues of its future development. Recently I have signed an additional Instruction on the construction of the village road. A huge amount of finances is being and will be allocated in order to improve and beautify Shaki and all our other towns and villages. Taken wholly, the north-west of Azerbaijan has become a tourist centre of Azerbaijan. I would like it become not only the tourist centre of Azerbaijan, but an international tourist centre. We have concrete ideas and plans to do it.
I greet all of you cordially once more, wish you happiness. I wish you had a happy and comfortable life here, the children had good education and a clever generation grew.”
Aysel Mustafayeva, teacher of the school, Mais Salimov, director of the school No. 20, Shaki city, MP Yagub Mahmudov thanked to the President of Azerbaijan for the attention and care shown to the families of IDPs and for the development of Sheki. Then the Head of State got acquainted with the condition that was created in the secondary school No. 29. Deputy Prime Minister, Chairman of the State Committee on Refugee and IDPs affairs Ali Hasanov informed that all conditions were created for teachers and students in this school which attracts the attention with the modern training equipment and distinguished by a high condition. And this proves that Azerbaijan selected the development of human capital through the effective use of rich natural resources as priority direction. The attention and care of President Ilham Aliyev for the development of the education proves that recently this important factor became one of the most important principles of state policy. This process is not only limited to the capital, it also covers the regions and serves to the establishment of high level education of our IDPs. Schools have been built; new buildings have been constructed for the schools in our country not as in any period. This process has also covered our most remote places. Important works have been done in the direction of strengthening the material-technical base of schools. Computer classes were established in all secondary educational institutions and all of them were connected to the Internet. Support of Heydar Aliyev Foundation for the program held at state level is distinguished by its unique feature.
It was mentioned that kindergarten for 50 children was built in the settlement. All the requirements for training and education of small kids in the kindergarten have been taken into consideration. Clubs, community centers, administrative buildings, ambulatory and postal facilities were built in the area. This settlement was built in the territory of Kish municipality of Shaki region according to the relevant paragraphs of the annexes confirmed with the Order dated on October 31, 2007 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on “State Program on improvement of living conditions and employment rehabilitation of refugees and internally displaced persons” approved by the Order dated on July 1, 2004 of President Ilham Aliyev. 372 family or 1551 people living in the Finnish-type settlements in Shaki region, as well as, 51 families and 209 persons, generally 423 families and 1760 persons will be moved to the new settlement. 149 persons out of IDP families are from Agdam, 168 of them are from Lachin, 53 out of them are from Kalbajar, 44 of them are from Shusha, and 9 of them are from Khojali. Settlement area is 84 hectares and 17 of the houses are one room, 211 of them are houses with two rooms, and 20 of them are houses with four rooms . Electricity, water and gas supply networks of the settlement have been connected to the communication system of Shaki region.
The President of Azerbaijan looked at the exemplary performance of pupils in the sport hall of the school, took memorial pictures with them.
There were established stands reflecting the care and attention of national leader Heydar Aliyev and President Ilham Aliyev to internally displaced persons in the second floor of the school.
Head of our State watched around from the balcony of the school.
President Ilham Aliyev highly appreciated the condition established in the settlement.
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