"... The problems of citizens expelled from all occupied regions and now living as refugees and internally displaced persons are the problem number one for us and for me personally".
Çap et 2015
Coordination Headquarters for addressing issues in a centralized manner in Azerbaijan’s liberated territories convenes for regular meeting
Mətbuat xidmətinin məlumatı 13 March, 2024

Chaired by Samir Nuriyev, the Head of the Presidential Administration and the head of the Coordination Headquarters for addressing issues in Azerbaijan’s liberated territories in a centralized manner, a regular meeting of the Coordination Headquarters has been held in Baku.


Opening the meeting, Samir Nuriyev pointed out that in the snap presidential election held on February 7, the people of Azerbaijan once again demonstrated their faith and trust, and support for their strong leader, for the determined policy implemented by the head of state on the way to the development of the country.


Speaking about the essential feature and importance of this year's election, Nuriyev noted that for the first time in the history of Azerbaijan's independence, the people of Azerbaijan cast their votes as citizens of the victorious country, with the territorial integrity and sovereignty fully restored. Nuriyev described the holding of the presidential election across the entire territory of the country, including Khankendi, Shusha, and other liberated lands, as a historic and proud event for each Azerbaijani.


According to Samir Nuriyev, during the past period, large-scale restoration and construction projects have been implemented in the de-occupied territories based on the tasks given by the head of state, and efforts are being kept implementing in a planned and coordinated manner in the direction of the return of the former internally displaced persons to their ancestral homes.


Furthermore, in accordance with the agenda of the meeting, reports were presented on urban development activities in the economic regions of Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur within the 'First State Program for the Great Return to the de-occupied territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan,' including the reconstruction and restoration of cities and other settlements, installation of transport infrastructure, organization of communication service, as well as ensuring the economic stability of the liberated areas, settlement of the population, and employment issues.


The Special representatives of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan provided insight into the current state of works in the respective territories and plans ahead for 2024.


The head of the Headquarters emphasized the significance of coordinated implementation of the restoration and reconstruction projects in the liberated territories in accordance with the 'First State Program for the Great Return' by applying a qualitative, operative, and comprehensive approach.


In conclusion, assignments were given to fulfil the tasks set by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

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