In accordance with I State Program on the Great Return to the Liberated Territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the process of the return of IDPs to their native lands continues. The resettlement of more than 4500 IDPs to restored and rebuilt settlements has been ensured to date. All conditions have been created for comfortable and safe living of residents in cities and villages where the necessary social and technical infrastructure has been built that meets modern requirements.
The Great Return brings new life to the liberated territories, accelerates the revival of these places. The sustainable settlement and reintegration of IDPs into their native lands are among the priorities of state policy. Each state institution, within the framework of the Great Return Program, supports this process by fulfilling its assigned tasks. Reintegration measures and community-based development projects are implemented for the adaptation of the population in restored and newly built settlements.
The State Committee presents videos featuring the opinions of Seyfaddin Aghali from Aghali village in Zangilan district, Tahir Huseynov from Zabukh village in Lachin district, and Beybala Aslanov from Talish village in Tartar district.