"... The problems of citizens expelled from all occupied regions and now living as refugees and internally displaced persons are the problem number one for us and for me personally".
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There was held an event on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the occupation of Lachin region by Armenia’s armed forces
Mətbuat xidmətinin məlumatı 18 MAY, 2012
Presentation ceremony of the movie called “Without Lachin...” was held in Azerbaijan State Theatre of Young Spectators, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the occupation of Lachin region by Armenian armed forces, on 18 May. State and government representatives, deputies of Milli Majlis, representatives of the embassies of foreign states in Azerbaijan and international organizations took part at the event. The participants were at first introduced photo stands and exhibition dealing with Lachin region, at the foyer of the theatre. Ramiz Jabrayilov, the head of Lachin region Executive Power made a speech at the event and stated that it was the 20th anniversary of the occupation of Lachin region, inimitable in its beauty, having lovely nature and a very significant strategic importance, by Armenian armed forces. These days of May became the hardest days for each Lachin inhabitant longing for their native land. It was stated that 4 resolutions of UNO on unconditionally releasing Azerbaijan lands occupied by the armed forces of Armenia, territorial integrity of our country, border inviolability, as well as the decisions adopted by European Union, European Council and other international organizations are still neglected by the aggressive state. Participants of the event required that execution mechanism of the resolutions recently made by UNO and other international organizations in regard to Iraq and Libya should be applied to the resolutions made concerning aggressive Armenia 19 years ago, as well. Participants of the event appreciating the attention and care of the President of Azerbaijan Republic Mr. Ilham Aliyev to Lachin inhabitants, emphasized that native lands would soon be released from Armenian invaders, under the direction of the head of our state. Territorial integrity would be restored and Lachin inhabitants like all IDPs would return to their ancestral lands. The Deputy Prime Minister, chair of the State Committee on Deals of Refugees and IDPs - Ali Hasanov made a speech and stated that time had already come for making changes in the format of such kind of events and having preference for ceremonies of fighting spirit. Ali Hasanov said that Armenian armed forces occupied Shusha and Lachin by being supported by the former Minister of Defence of Russia Pavel Grachov. And P.Grachov’s mother’s being an Armenian is not a secret for anyone. On 8 May, on the day of occupation of Shusha, he discharged the duty of minister of defence, and was appointed the Minister of Defence of Russia on 17 May. On 18 May 1992, Lachin was occupied by Armenian armed forces with the support of Grachov. Ali Hasanov, mentioning the great role of Russia in settling Nagorno Karabakh conflict, said he was sure that newly elected president of Russia, Vladimir Putin would help to fairly settle the conflict. The Deputy Prime Minister said that owing to purposeful policy of the President Ilham Aliyev, Armenian-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict would positively be settled and all the occupied territories would be released. Nurlana Nursuz, an IDP from Lachin region, a child of a martyr, taken captive by the enemies when she was one year old, losing her mother in captivity and completely being deprived of her eyesight as a result of brutal behaviours of Armenian militants, talked about the troubles she had got into. Appeal of IDPs from Lachin in regard to the 20th anniversary of the occupation of Lachin region by Armenian armed forces, addressed to the President Ilham Aliyev was read at the event. The appeal was approved at the republic-wide meeting of IDPs from Lachin region settled in Takhtakorpu settlement of Agjabadi region, held on 15 May. Then appeals of IDPs from Lachin in connection with the 20th anniversary of the occupation of Lachin region by Armenian armed forces, addressed to UNO, European Council, OSCE and the embassies of foreign states in Azerbaijan, were read. The participants of the event watched the movie “Without Lachin...” with an aching heart. Tragedies happened to our people and inhabitants of Lachin by Armenians were reflected in that movie with irrefutable facts.
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