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Draft resolution regarding Armenian-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict will be brought up for discussion at Belgian Chamber of Representatives
Mətbuat xidmətinin məlumatı
07 March, 2012

According to the invitation of Philippe Blanshar, Deputy of the Kingdom of Belgium, leader of the working group on Belgium-Azerbaijan inter-parliamentary relations, the Deputy Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Republic, Chair of the State Committee on Deals of Refugees and IDPs – Ali Hasanov is on visit to Belgium.
Debates on the subject of “occupied territories, forgotten territories - legal and humanitarian aspects of Armenian-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict” were held at Federal Parliament’s House of Representatives on March 6. More than 100 people – members of Belgium-Azerbaijan inter-parliamentary friendship groups, Belgian parliamentarians, experts and representatives of non-governmental organizations took part in debates. The event was opened by Philippe Blanshar, Deputy of the Kingdom of Belgium, leader of the working group on Belgium-Azerbaijan inter-parliamentary relations, called the participants to be active in discussions.
Further, videoreportage of “Euronews” channel called “Nagorno Karabakh: visit to refugees” was demonstrated. Then the Deputy Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Republic, Chair of the State Committee on Deals of Refugees and IDPs – Ali Hasanov made a speech on the subject of “legal and humanitarian aspects of Armenian-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict”. The Deputy Prime Minister Ali Hasanov stated:
Dear Mr. Chairman! Dear Deputies! Ladies and Gentlemen!
Let me express my sincere gratitude to Belgium parliament on behalf of Azerbaijan government for organization of this event dedicated to very important matter for our country, as well as for inviting me to this high-level meeting.
Armenian-Azerbaijan Nagorno Karabakh conflict arose because of Armenia’s territorial claims against Azerbaijan, and resulted in occupation of 20 percent of Azerbaijan territories by Armenian armed forces and more than one million Azerbaijanis’ becoming refugees and IDPs by being driven from their permanent residences. As a result of military operations tens of thousands of people, also civilians, women, children and the elderly were killed. The conflict caused US $60 milliard damage to Azerbaijan economy. The conflict resulting in tragedy of millions of people is a new stage of historical process based on groundless territorial claims of Armenian nationalists against Azerbaijan. That is, the unreal dream to create “Great Armenia” of Armenian nationalists “skillfully playing” their role, at the expense of lands of neighboring people, for geopolitical games of forces interested in South Caucasus region that is of great importance founded the ongoing tragedies in the region.
Throughout the centuries, young generation of Armenian people was brought up in the spirit of national exception, hostility against Azerbaijan and Turkish people. With the efforts of Armenian “scholars” the history of the region was falsified, Armenians’ history was oldened by exaggerating it, serious moral aggression campaign was conducted against the Azerbaijanis and Turkish. The events happened in South Caucasus and Eastern Anatolia were misrepresented, and the image of “suffered and oppressed” Armenian people was created. Beginning from the early XIX century, as a result of systematic policy of tsarist Russia invading Caucasus, mass moving of the Armenians from the modern territories of Iran and Turkey to Azerbaijan, as well as Nagorno Karabakh was realized.
Under the auspices of Russian tsar the Armenians began to oppress the local Azerbaijanis. As a result, a part of the local population was obliged to move to Iran and Turkey, and the other part to the central territories of Azerbaijan, and so, demographic situation in these territories changed at the early XXs. This policy continued and after the invasion of the region by Soviet Russia. So that, the territory of Armenia was extended at the expense of the territories of Azerbaijan SSR on decisions of soviet authorities, mass evicting of Azerbaijani population historically settled Armenia on various pretexts went on. In this respect, one of the important events was the creation of Nagorno Karabakh Autonomous Region in 1923 as a part of Azerbaijan SSR, in accordance with the interests of Armenians. So that, it was paid special attention to predominance of population of Armenian origin in the Autonomous Region and its administrative boundaries were made in this regard. The interesting point is that though Soviet authorities gave the status of autonomy to Armenians living in Karabakh territory, the same was not applied to the Azerbaijanis living in their historical lands in Armenia SSR, they were deported from their residential places. The main stage of Armenian-Azerbaijan conflict in the context of fall of the USSR began at late 80-s. on February 20, 1988 Armenian deputies of Nagorno Karabakh Autonomous Region Council applied to Azerbaijan, Armenian, also USSR People’s Deputies Congress in accordance with removing Nagorno Karabakh Autonomous Region from Azerbaijan and including in Armenia SSR. This application contradicting the Constitution of Azerbaijan SSR and USSR that was effective at that time, though was rejected by USSR Supreme Soviet, the Armenian nationalists didn’t give up their intentions and began to drive innocent Azerbaijanis residing in Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh by organizing violence and terror acts against them and by this paving way for joining Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh. Fall of USSR in 1991 stimulated to Armenian armed forces’ (who already activated as organized troop) beginning wide military operations. From February 25 to 26, 1992 Armenian armed forces in Nagorno Karabakh territory of Azerbaijan committed genocide against the Azerbaijanis and Akhiskha Turks in Khojaly under the leadership of present President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan, former leader of Armenia Robert Kocharian and other Armenian leaders, as well as with the help of the 366th infantry regiment armed with battle weapons of that time, placed in Khankandi. As a result of the terrible crime 613 innocent residents, also 63 children, 106 women, 70 elderly were tortured and brutally killed only because they are the Azerbaijanis, 487 people were made disabled, 1275 inhabitants were subjected to torture by being taken hostage. Fate of 150 people who were taken hostage, as well as 68 women, 26 children is still unknown.
Generally, Nagorno-Karabakh and 7 adjacent regions were occupied by Armenian armed forces during 1991-1993. 700 thousand Azerbaijanis have become internally displaced persons in their native land, 20 thousand people were killed for faith, and 50 thousand people were disabled, 200 thousand people were injured, 4853 people were lost and captivated. About one million Azerbaijanis became refugees and internally displaced persons as a result of conflict and it has caused a great humanitarian catastrophe. Refugees and internally displaced persons who were displaced from their homes were forced to live in heavy and unbearable conditions. Thus, Republic of Azerbaijan which newly gained its independence, faced with difficult economic crisis and with the problem of one million refugees and internally displaced persons. I would like to inform you that, the government of Azerbaijan has taken important steps and continues doing it in legal and socio-economic field in order to meet the needs of the population. The Republic of Azerbaijan joined to UN Convention of 1951 relating to the “Status of refugees” in December of 1992 and to its Protocol in 1967, and legal framework in connection with the social problems of refugees and internally displaced persons has been established in accordance with international norms. The successful economic reforms, carried out in the country and the oil strategy from time to time created an opportunity for increasing the amount of funds allocated to this area. The initial fund of the State Oil Fund aimed at improving the living conditions of refugees and internally displaced persons in 2001, there have been implemented consistent and purposeful manners in this direction. The last one of 12 tent camps that existed in the country were abolished in December of 2007, as well as, internally displaced persons living in 6 Finn type settlements were moved to the new settlements in the past period.
Generally, 70 settlements, having the entire socio-technical infrastructure were built for 22 thousand families and for more than 110 thousand internally displaced persons and refugees, who were not permanently placed in the last period. At present, intensive works are being done in this direction. More than 500 million U.S. dollars were spent in connection with this field in 2011, the volume of funds per one internally displaced person was approximately 894 U.S. dollars and this means that it is the highest rate in comparison with other conflict zones of the world. Nowadays, government of Azerbaijan is doing its best to ensure the necessary needs of internally displaced persons. It takes measures temporarily to guarantee the places where they live and work. However, all of these measures are not sufficient for ensuring the rights of internally displaced persons. Pursuant to international law, each of refugees and internally displaced persons has the right to return to their permanent residence and to use their property in peace, so that all of these rights have been violated by Armenia, keeping Nagorno-Karabakh and surrounding territories under occupation. 4 resolutions were adopted by UN Security Council about the peaceful solution of the conflict as soon as possible, liberation of the occupied territories, return of refugees and internally displaced persons to their homes.
According to the proper standards and principles of international law, Azerbaijan considers that, the stable solution of argument may only be in the form of self-governing, Armenian and Azerbaijani communities of Nagorno-Karabakh that arise from international practice and ensure equal rights and freedom for both community and peaceful joint life. As President of Azerbaijan stated, in the world, especially in Europe we are ready to apply the most advanced practice in this field. Nevertheless, Armenian side prevents Azerbaijani population of the region to return to their native lands and does not allow to the implementation of proposals several times put forward in Azerbaijan on establishment of a dialogue between Armenian and Azerbaijani communities of Nagorno-Karabakh. For this purpose, it is trying to use the territories of Azerbaijan under occupation as a means of pressure in negotiations contrary to the decisions made on the conflict, the norms and principles of international law. This is being contrary to the requirements of the UN Charter and the Helsinki Final Act by Armenian, as a means continuation of using illegal force against the Republic of Azerbaijan. In spite of the result of ongoing negotiation being hold during 20 years, we hope that, this conflict will be solved in the near future, as a result of more decisive and consistent position of the world community, Azerbaijan\'s territorial integrity recognized by the international community will be restored, lasting peace, security and environmental cooperation in the region will be established. For centuries regardless of the dominating socio-political system, peoples belonging to different cultures lived as a family. There was no any national or religious confrontation or misunderstanding in Azerbaijan. There were never any discriminatory actions and today independent Azerbaijan is also faithful to these traditions. And finally, we highly value the event which is very important for us and once again express our gratitude to the Parliament of Belgium for its invitation.
Claude Monique, director of “European Strategic Intelligence and Security Center” and Pierre Legros, the founder and head of the organization of “Lawyers without Borders” expressed their attitudes towards the issue in discussions. Claude Monique stated that the 90-th of the last century, terrorist elements are sufficient within flaming Armenia-Azerbaijani, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. C. Monique, giving example about one of the elements, stated that being in search in France, Monte Melikonyan was the one of the main figures of Armenian armed forces and today he is being loved as a national hero in Armenia. Addressing to Belgian parliamentarians, she asked: “During 1988-1991, the period in which USSR being still exist, European countries, considering the conflict of the internal affair of this state, in the case of being inactive, why they have not done any consistent act in this direction? The adoption of five resolutions, by the UN Security Council about the conflict, the last one being in 2008, are not sufficient for involving Armenia to take constructive steps, are they? Why only one European country takes part in the solution of this conflict located in neighborhood of Europe, instead of European Union, comprising 27 member states? Why European institutions, do not pay their attention to the problem of Azerbaijan which is located in the neighboring region, in the case of, holding discussions on a regular basis and adopting the documents about Tibet, Palestine, Somalia?
K. Monique emphasized the importance of passage of the audition hold in Belgian parliament with a logical sequence to other European countries and strengthening of the Europe\'s activities in connection with the settlement of the conflict. The head of the organization of “Lawyers without Borders”, Pierre Legros, speaking about the contribution, given by the international non-governmental organizations to the settlement of the conflict and the principles of international law applicable to the conflict. Speaker, bringing to attention that, under the leadership of national leader Heydar Aliyev, there was established secular and legal country and successful development carried by his successor, President Ilham Aliyev, Azerbaijan has chosen course to European integration and it has adopted its juridical and legislative framework to European standards. P. Leqro stating that, Europe must not be indifferent to the problems of the country, which approaches so much to the Europe, encouraged parliamentary representatives to think about such a question: “Why it should be asked from Armenia, which is not following the resolutions of UN Security Council, violating the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, turning more than one million civilians into refugees and internally displaced persons by occupying 20 percent of its territory, to change the status-quo in connection with the conflict?! In fact, the events committed by Armenia against Azerbaijan can be characterized only as a crime!” Stating the activity of OSCE Minsk Group for a long time, in the field of conflict resolution is not optimistic, Speaker offered about sending of the mission consisting of employees of the organization of \"Lawyers without Borders\", collection of facts related to the conflict and inform the European public for the conduct of the relevant action. He noted that the parliamentarians have to take concrete steps in order not to turn the “frozen” conflicts into “forgotten” ones; they should try to find the right place of justice even later in Europe. Members of Azerbaijani Parliament Gudrat Hasanguliyev and Faraj Guliyev brought attention to the position of Azerbaijan in debates.
Belgian MPs Alan Desteks, Dalmani and Dukarm expressed their opinions and asked their questions related to the topic. Deputy Prime Minister Ali Hasanov, answered the questions of parliamentarians and experts after the speeches. The documentary film “Homesick and flaming hopes” and a guide-book about refugees, internally displaced persons run ancestral lands as a result of Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, as well as people who intend to obtain the status of \"refugees\" (asylum seekers from the 3rd countries), improvement of their social security and existing problems, as well as, the book of \"Khojaly: the genocide of the XX century\" and other materials were presented to the Belgian Parliamentarians in the meeting hall. At the end of auditions, the secretary of Belgium-Azerbaijan inter-parliamentary friendship group, David Gerdt has announced that, the draft resolution prepared by the group related to Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict will be presented to the House of Representatives next week. Emin Eyyubov, Azerbaijan\'s ambassador to Belgium, Gurban Sadigov, director of the Office of the Cabinet of Ministers of refugees, internally displaced persons and migration department, Sevinj Hasanova, Deputy Minister of Economic Development, Ayaz Orujov, Director of the Social Development Fund for Internally Displaced Persons, Khazar Ibrahim, Permanent representative to NATO, under the leadership of the deputy Elkhan Suleymanov members of the Azerbaijan-Belgium parliamentary friendship group, Gudrat Hasanguliyev, Faraj Guliyev, Fazil Mustafa, Zahid Oruj, Azer Karimli, Jeyhun Osmanli, as well as doctor on international law Fuad Suleymanov and doctor of historical sciences Maharram Zulfugarli were also participated in discussions. Ali Hasanov, sharing his ideas on the results of visit, with the special correspondent of AzerTAj, he characterized a high level acceptance of the Azerbaijani delegation in Brussels, beating heart of European democracy, holding discussions on Azerbaijani’s most painful problem in the House of Representatives as a result of establishment external and internal policy by our national leader Heydar Aliyev and successful development carried by his successor, President Ilham Aliyev. A.Hasanov, appreciating the opportunity for delivering the truth about Azerbaijan to Belgian Parliamentarians, noted the importance of holding such events in the future in other countries’ parliaments, he also noted that the embassies of foreign countries, diaspora organizations, various government agencies must try to work hard in this direction. As one of the ways to make Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict’s settlement faster is to inform European Parliamentarians objectively about realities of Azerbaijan in order to create their awareness and change their attitude towards justice. Therefore, this meeting has been very important political and historical event for informing the world community about Azerbaijani realities.
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