Azerbaijan is going to implement such a project that will be an example to the world: the Great Return to liberated territories – our reconstructed and restored historical lands. Thanks to the determined command of President, Victorious Supreme-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, military power of our brave Army, life will return to our liberated cities and villages at the cost of our heroic sons’ lives. This project is being developed in line with development trend and will be realized by applying the latest technology. The State Committee for Affairs of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons of the Republic of Azerbaijan take necessary measures to ensure the effectiveness of repatriation and reintegration process that is an important component of the Great Return according to the execution of the President’s tasks. One of these measures is the development of the relevant electronic control system. Nasimi Narimanov, the Advisor to the Chairman of the State Committee, informed and stated that:
- The Great Return is a complex and responsible action. The State Committee is ready to perform its duties in this field, too and carries out measures to achieve the effective and transparent implementation of this process. So that, Committee works on the “Return and Reintegration” e-control system within the framework of the project “FIRST (Confident, Dignified, Willing) Step” developed for the purpose of return to and sustainable settlement of IDPs in liberated territories. Criteria and principles for resettlement, permanent settlement and reintegration in drafts of the Law on Return to the Liberated Territories and Reintegration of the Republic of Azerbaijan and normative legal acts for the implementation of return and reintegration processes that were developed in the Committee and submitted to relevant authorities, will be synchronized with algorithms of the new system upon approval thereof.
As you know, according to the President’s instruction the latest technologies are applied while restoring and reconstructing liberated territories. Innovative projects like “Smart City”, “Smart Village” and “Green Energy Zone” have started to be implemented. 200 private houses are being constructed and socio-technical infrastructure in the first step in the village Aghali of Zangilan under the “Smart Village” project. The Committee is going to carry out the return to Aghali through the “Return and Reintegration” e-control system newly developed by using the centralized database of IDPs and services integrated to the “e-government” and of various agencies.
I would like to note that application of Information technologies and the Electronic Control Department have been established recently in the structure of the Committee. Subsequently, registration of IDPs has been computerized, a centralized database has been formed and integrated with E-government and databases of other government agencies. The centralized database containing information of each IDP has increased the flexibility and efficiency of functional activity in the Committee, as well as make the control easier. It has been two years that the electronic system of the document flow is applied in the Committee.
Information on the status and the relevant IDP card, provision of benefits and utility bill payments have been individually computerized and such services are used by government agencies. Citizens can get a reference on the IDP status from my.gov.az e-system.
While developing the “Return and Reintegration” e-platform, the centralized database of IDPs has been improved by adding additional information obtained from surveys conducted by the Committee in preparation for return to the centralized database of IDPs.
It should be noted that the return to liberated territories is a long-term process. It means the return of hundreds of thousands of our compatriots to their ancestral homeland for permanent living, in particular, based on principles for ensuring internationally recognized security, volunteering and dignified living conditions.
The new e-system developed in order to carry out the return and reintegration is expected to be improved based on the best practices gained during this process. In the next step, the development of a mobile application that will help the sustainable settlement, employment provision and service performance for reintegrants is also on the agenda.