"... The problems of citizens expelled from all occupied regions and now living as refugees and internally displaced persons are the problem number one for us and for me personally".
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The delegation headed by Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Ali Hasanov is attending the intergovernmental event on the level of ministers of the UN member states in Geneva
Mətbuat xidmətinin məlumatı 07 December, 2011
The delegation headed by Mr. Ali Hasanov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Azerbaijan Republic is on a business trip to Geneva to attend the intergovernmental event on the level of ministries of the UN member states which began on December 7 under the direction of UN High Commissioner for Refugees (HCR). Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Ali Hasanov met with Antonio Guterres, UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Rashid Khalikov, head of Geneva Office-Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), Koba Subeliani, leader of the Georgian delegation, Minister of IDPs from the occupied areas, the resettlement and refugees on December 6, within the framework of the visit. Antonio Guterres, UN High Commissioner for Refugees, was the first delegate to meet with Mr. Ali Hasanov, head of the Azerbaijan delegation among the delegations of 67 states paying a visit to Geneva city on the level of ministers for the purpose of participating in the intergovernmental event organized by HCR. Touching upon the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Garabagh conflict, Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Ali Hasanov expressed his regret that four known resolutions adopted by UN Security Council in relation to the conflict had not yet been carried out. He gave information on Armenia’s pursuing policy of illegal settlement in the territories under occupation and brought the affirmation of this fact by the fact-finding mission of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs to attention of his interlocutor. Emphasizing President of the Azerbaijan Republic, Mr. Ilham Aliyev’s always paying great attention to improvement of condition and welfare of Azerbaijanis becoming refugee and IDP as a result of Armenia’s military aggression and occupation of Azerbaijani lands, as well as people coming from the third country and intending to get a status of refugee, Ali Hasanov informed Antonio Guterres of measures taken in this field. Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Ali Hasanov mentioned that in spite of carrying out large-scale projects in the field of improving housing-living conditions of refugees and IDPs in our country, their returning to their native lands remained a main priority of Azerbaijan. Then Mr. Ali Hasanov expressed his gratitude for High Commissioner’s paying special attention to the matter related to internally displaced persons. At the meeting held with Rashid Khalikov, head of Geneva Office-Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), head of the delegation Mr. Ali Hasanov accentuated the fact that if it had not been for the humanitarian aid provided by the UNO and its specialized organizations, humanitarian disaster would have been inevitable during the first years of our country’s being suffered from military aggression of Armenia and recollected the then assistances rendered by international humanitarian institutions with a feeling of gratitude and emphasized our republic’s presently becoming an emergency donor as a result of successful economic development with a sense of contentment. Mentioning his visit to tent camps within the framework of trip to Azerbaijan in 1996, R.Khalikov shared bitter impressions originated by state of IDPs and that these feelings were still in his heart. At the meeting held with Koba Subeliani, Georgian Minister of IDPs from the occupied areas, the resettlement and refugees, Mr. Ali Hasanov, head of the Azerbaijan delegation, accentuated the fact that Georgia was a friend and ally of Azerbaijan and both countries’ supporting each other was necessary. Koba Subeliani noted Georgian people’s high appreciation of care and attention to Georgia by national leader Heydar Aliyev and Mr. Ilham Aliyev, President of the Azerbaijan Republic, and characterized opening of great leader’s bust in Tbilisi as an obvious example of this respect and esteem. Then Mr. Ali Hasanov gave inclusive information on condition of more than one million refugees and IDPs originated as a result of the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Garabagh conflict and implementation of State Programs adopted for improving living conditions of refugees and IDPs by order of Mr. Ilham Aliyev, President of the Azerbaijan Republic. Leader of the Georgian delegation expressed his astonishment at successes of the Azerbaijani side related to improving housing-living and social state of refugees and IDPs and put his desire of visiting our country for the purpose of benefiting by this experience into words. Members of the Azerbaijan delegation Gurban Sadigov, Head of the Department for Problems of Refugees, IDPs, Migration and Affairs with International Organizations of the Cabinet of Ministers, MP Ayaz Orujov, Director of the Social Development Foundation of IDPs and Akram Zeynalli, Counsellor of permanent mission attended these meetings.
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