"... The problems of citizens expelled from all occupied regions and now living as refugees and internally displaced persons are the problem number one for us and for me personally".
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World Refugee Day to be celebrated
Mətbuat xidmətinin məlumatı 21 JUNE, 2011
Event devoted to June 20- World Refugee Day has been held by support of State Committee on Deals with Refugee and IDP’s, State Management Academy under President of Republic of Azerbaijan (SMA), UN High Commissioner on Refugees (UNHCR) on June 20, 2011. Before the event held in SMA, participants were acquainted with photos on lives of refugees and IDP’s , pictures drawn by refugee children, exhibition consisting of hand works of afgan, chechen and iranian women. Alikram Abdullayev, wise-president of SMA, talked about importance of celebration of World Refugee Day, attention and care rendered to refugees and IDP’s by Republic of Azerbaijan. It was stressed that core aim of celebration of World Refugee Day is to draw attention of world community to this problem. Now millions of humans were displaced from their native land as per different reasons. Celebration of this day is very important for Azerbaijan that has more than 1 million refugee and IDP’s. Refugee and IDP’s are taken care by President Ilham Aliyev permanently. After sounding of state anthem of Azerbaijan, Ali Hasanov, Prime Minister Deputy, Chairman of State Commitee on Deals with Refugee and IDP’s made a speech. He stated that World Refugee Day was approved on resolution of 4 December, 2004 of UN Head Assembly. World Refugee Day is celebrated in Azerbaijan in every year. Aim is to remind existence of problem to world community. Now there is 49 million persons displaced from their lands. 26 million of them are IDP, 10 million are refugee, 12 million is persons without citizenship, nearly 500.000 persons is refugee and persons seeking shelter from third country. Expressing his gratitude to High Commission, humanitarian organizations on behalf of Government of Azerbaijan, touched in history of Armenia- Azerbaijan, Nagorny Garabagh conflict, also stated that idea of Armenians on establishment of “Great Armenia” was active when M. Gorbachev became leader of Sovıet Union, Azerbaijanis were deportated from this land and were killed curely, as well as he mentioned that 250.000 our compatriots became refugee as a result of deportation from their native lands. He stated that as a result of military invasion of Armenin military forces to our country during 1988-1992, 20 percent of Azerbaijan territory – Nagorny Garabagh as well as 7 district alongside with those lands were occupied, our more than 1 million compatriots became refugee and IDP. UN Security Council has accepted the resolutions No. 822, 853, 874, 884 on peaceful settlement of problem, liberation of occupied territories, return of refugee and IDP’s to their native lands. But Armenia doesn’t observe any resolution. Ali Hasanov stated that Azerbaijan takes relevant actions in order to improve life condition of IDP’s, protect rights of them and stressed that 4, 5 million capital have been allocated to refugee and IDP’s for last 20 years. 2,6 million of this sum belongs to state budget, 1 billion USD belongs to Oil Fund, 900 million belongs to international humanitarian organizations. Our compatriots deportated from Armenia have obtained status of refugee. Of course their priviliges were canceled, because they settled and were registered. But it doesn’t mean that they lost their status. They will keep their status of refugee till return of Azerbaijanis deportated from Armenia to their native lands. Prime Minister Deputy reproached donor countries terminated its activity on pretext of improvement of economic condition of Azerbaijan. It is a result of ruling of double standarts. He stated that in my opinion, donor countries should terminate its activity till settlement of Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorny Garabagh conflict. There is a need for health program, dfferent development programs providing opening of jobs, rehabilitation programs in order to take IDP’s out of subjected stress. Prime Minister Deputy stated his assurance on return of refugee and IDP’s to their native lands. Con MakKissik, executing powers of Representative of UNHCR in Azerbaijan, sounded letter of Antonio Guterresh, UN High Commissioner on Refugees addressed to refugees, talked on importance of Work Refugee Day, problems of refugees, condition of refugee and IDP’s in Azerbaijan. He stressed that now there is more than 1 million refugee and IDP. 250.000 of them are Azerbaijanis deportated from Armenia in 1988-1992, 50. 000 of them are Akhıska turks deportated from Uzbekistan within period of Fargane eventsin 1992, 600. 000 of them are IDP’s deportated from from occupied territories of Azerbaijan. Refugees and IDP’s are taken highest attention and care in Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan is sample in this sphere. These refugees had already obtained status of citizenship, settled and have been provided by Azerbaijan Government. Appeal of Pan Gi Mun, UN Secretary General on World Refugee Day was sounded, social service advertisement video shoted by Anjelina Jolin, peacekeeping ambassador of UNHCR was demonstrated, also winners of painting competition of 2001 of refugee and children seeking shelter from the third country, have been awarded. Event ended with literary composition.
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