Social media and some media sources have reported that the amount of single monthly allowances paid to IDPs from the state budget will be increased again.
The head of our state signed the Order on February 26, 2019 “On increasing the single monthly allowance for IDPs and persons equated to them” to strengthen the social protection of IDPs and persons equated to them and increase the state care for them. According to the Order, the amount of single monthly allowance for IDPs and persons equated to them was increased by 50 percent from April 1, 2019. Since then, IDPs and persons equated to them actually living in dense temporary settlements, where installation and maintenance of meters (counters) are not possible and not provided with natural gas, receive 33 manat of single monthly allowance and IDPs and persons equated to them not included in this category receive 60 manat.
At present, the State Committee for Refugees and IDPs of the Republic of Azerbaijan does not have any information on re-increase of the single monthly allowance.