President Ilham Aliyev has signed a decree on June 10, 2019 "On Amending the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 1206 of January 23, 2017" “On determining single monthly allowance for IDPs and the persons equated to them".
The Decree aims to ensure the implementation of the Presidential Decree No. 993, signed on February 26, 2019 “On increasing single monthly allowances for internally displaced persons and the persons equated to them".
According to the order, amount of the single monthly allowance for IDPs and the persons equated to them increased by 50 per cent from April 1, 2019, respectively, from 22 AZN to 33 AZN and from 40 AZN to 60 AZN.
Under the new decree, these amounts were included in the text of the Decree No. 1206 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, dated January 23, 2017 "On determination of single monthly allowance for internally displaced persons and the persons equated to them".
Notably, increase of the single monthly allowance has enabled strengthening of social protection and improvement of financial situation of 500,000 IDPs.