"... The problems of citizens expelled from all occupied regions and now living as refugees and internally displaced persons are the problem number one for us and for me personally".
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President Ilham Aliyev took part in the opening of a new settlement for IDPs in Goranboy
Mətbuat xidmətinin məlumatı 11 February, 2011
As part of his visit to Goranboy, President Ilham Aliyev took part at the inauguration ceremony of the new settlement for 688 IDP families, which will accommodate 165 families at its initial stage.President Ilham Aliyev paid a visit to the house of Sadagat Agayarova, who is an IDP from Khojaly region and from a martyr’s family. Having familiarized himself with the conditions created at the apartment, the President had a conversation with the family members around a tea table. President Ilham ALİYEV: Congratulations on your resettlement to a new apartment. It has been provided with all living conditions, has all amenities, all conveniences, the buildings are beautiful. Living comfortably is possible here. You deserve this; you have been suffering from the aggressive policy of Armenian occupants and you have lived in unsuitable buildings for many years. Now our countrymen will live in these nice buildings and nice apartments. You know that the government of Azerbaijan is engaged in extensive activities for improvement of the living conditions of internally displaced persons. Buildings and private houses are built every year. This policy shall be continued. We have to make sure that our countrymen still living in hard conditions are also, resettled to better houses. Of course, this requires large funding and great professionalism. You know that state program is being implemented. Azerbaijan state shall henceforth do its best to improve your conditions. Because, I would like to reiterate that you deserve this; you have lost your loved ones. Khojaly genocide is the gravest crimes of XX century. Unfortunately, perpetrators of this crime have not yet brought to justice. But that day shall come. I have no doubt and am confident that you too shall return to Khojaly. This is a temporary abode. Nevertheless, we want the conditions be good, despite temporariness. Sadagat AGAYAROVA: Mister President, we are the family of a martyr – myself, three children, one sister and her three children. I have personally stayed in snow in the forest for five nights. Pardon me, my children were born here. We, all refugees and IDPs trust you and rely on you. We are proud of you and your spouse. Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva, First Lady of Azerbaijan and your daughter spread the truth on Khojaly tragedy everywhere. President Ilham ALİYEV: This is how it must be, as you know that Armenians have attempted to convey distorted information on Khojaly tragedy to world community using their resources abroad. Unfortunately, they have been successful for many years. World community was unaware of Khojaly. Using very dirty statements of some people in Azerbaijan, Armenians have been able to build a completely false picture of Khojaly genocide. Therefore, our policy, especially, our activities abroad, bringing the truth on Khojaly to notice of world community almost completely changed this situation. Now, whole world is aware of Khojaly and there is sufficient information about Khojaly genocide. We hold campaigns in these countries – both through embassies and Heydar Aliyev Foundation. As you are aware The Foundation is seriously engaged in this issue. The Islamic Conference Youth Forum established at our initiative is very actively engaged in this issue. Respectively, not only books are published and various events are held in Islamic countries, also, the truth on Khojaly is brought to notice of world community in collaboration with other organizations in European countries and all continents. Khojaly genocide has demonstratedArmenians ‘savagery. However, I would like to reiterate that there is still a double standards policy in the world. Armenian lobby, Armenians of the world and their supporters try to move Armenians out of this situation. We shall henceforth try so that whole world knows about Khojaly. Our potential is growing; also, means of propagation are expanding. We are able to hold any event or conference in any country with a support from diaspora organizations and government. We are doing this and convey the truths to the world. I am sure that one day Armenian criminals, who have caused Khojaly genocide and demonstrated ruthlessness against and destroyed peaceful population, will face trial. That day shall come. Then, the President watched the exemplary performance of athlete Mazahir Gahramanov at the courtyard of Khojaly city school number 1, built in the area of the settlement. The President also listened to ashug music and young performers.Then, Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of the State Committee on Refugees and IDPs Ali Hasanov gave detailed information to President Ilham Aliyev on the general plan of the settlement, comprised of multi-storey residential buildings. It was mentioned that the settlement, built over an area of 20 hectares, would comprise of twelve 5-storey buildings, 1360-seat school, 150-seat kindergarten, a music school and an administrative building, with all the relevant social-technical infrastructures. 688 IDPs, temporarily residing in Naftalan sanatoriums would be resettled at this new settlement, built by the order of the Social Development Fund for the IDPs.Three residential buildings have been built on the first stage. Their general area are 11.235 square meters. A park has been built and vegetation planted at the settlement. A memorial for the victims of the Khojaly massacre has been built as well. Electric power, gas and potable water lines have been provided.Then, President Ilham Aliyev toured the Khojaly city school number 1. A special photo corner, showcasing national leader Heydar Aliyev’s participation in the opening of Ashagi Agjakend settlement of Goranboy in September of 2002, has been created in the foyer of the 2-storey school building. Aside from regular classrooms, there are informatics, physics and math cabinets, a chemistry laboratory, library, workshop and a canteen in the school. The gym can host basketball and volleyball games and wrestling trainings. The President watched the work out of young sportsmen in the gym.On the second floor of the school, special photo stands have been created, reflecting care and attention of national leader Heydar Aliyev, President Ilham Aliyev and the Heydar Aliyev Foundation to development of education, as well as the Khojaly tragedy.A special boiling-house has been built for heating of the school.Following the tour of the school premises, President ilham Aliyev visited and laid flowers at the memorial for victims of the Khojaly massacre.President Ilham Aliyev gave instructions for completion of works at the new settlement on a high level and in a timely manner. Then head of the state met with residents of the settlement. Congratulating the internally displaced persons, who have received a new apartment in the settlement, President Ilham ALIYEV said: Dear friends, dear sisters and brothers. I welcome you all heartily and congratulate you on commissioning of these apartments. Good conditions have been created here. A five storey 3 buildings have been constructed and 9 more buildings will be built. A large settlement shall be constructed so that our countrymen, who have been suffering from occupation and have settled in unfit buildings for many years, reside in good conditions. You know that this is our policy, which has been implemented for many years. You are aware that first resources of State Oil Fund were just directed to improvement of living conditions of internally displaced persons as per great leader Heydar Aliyev’s instructions. From that time till present tens of thousands of our countrymen have been resettled to new apartments and private houses. 1 billion 800 million manats have been spent during last 7 years for settlement of social issues of refugees and internally displaced persons. 90 thousand persons have been resettled to new houses. All tent camps have been annulled and newly created conditions are at the level you see. You deserve this and state of Azerbaijan shall henceforth do their utmost to create good conditions for the persons suffering from Armenian occupation. However, I have always said that these are temporary settlements. We shall build nicer buildings after liberation of our lands. We shall restore all cities and resettle our citizens to their native lands. That day shall come. I believe in this. I have no doubts. I am certain that Azerbaijan shall restore its territorial integrity. We have been suffering from occupation for many years. Armenian occupant forces have occupied our territories and are unwilling to end this occupation. Although negotiations are in progress, yet they have not yielded any results. From our side we strive to solve this issue peacefully. At the same time, we do not exclude all other options. Azerbaijan has become stronger. Azerbaijan has accomplished a very great and glorious distance during last years with respect to both economic development and military potential. Now we have a strong army, which is capable of liberating our native lands from occupants any time. This factor also, plays its positive role in the course of negotiations. However, Armenia’s unconstructive policy and position and tactics of prolonging negotiations by different methods yet disallow settlement of this issue. However, Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity shall be certainly realized. Our position prevails in all international organizations and international rules of law are in our favour. Henceforth using all potential, we shall continue our efforts for the soonest restoration of our territorial integrity. Khojaly genocide was the most horrible and gravest crimes of XX century; it had demonstrated savage and ugly face of Armenian fascism. Unfortunately, Armenians of the world, their foreign supporters and Armenian lobby have been hiding the truths on Khojaly for many years. World community was not provided with sufficient information on this issue. Our potential was limited. Especially, during first years of our independence we were not able to bring these truths to notice of world community. Now the situation is completely different. Azerbaijan has potential and a large diaspora network. Public organizations and state authorities of Azerbaijan have sufficient materials published on Khojaly genocide, books are published, conferences and other events are held worldwide. I mean world community is already fully aware of Khojaly genocide. But it is also, true that existence of double standards in the world makes our work difficult. Double standards are apparent almost in every field. Sometimes we see international organizations demonstrating unjust attitude towards Azerbaijan and disregarding the events in Armenia. At the same time, they try to exaggerate a small event in Azerbaijan and bring it to notice of world community. Double standards are manifest in these issues. We know that now heads of other countries have been brought to responsibility in international military tribunals for the crimes caused. Why present heads of Armenia, who have directly participated in Khojaly genocide and stained their hands with blood of Azerbaijani people, are not brought to responsibility in international tribunal? Why they are not turned into targets of censure? I mean double standards, activity of Armenians of the world, their supporters and unjust position of external circles lie in the foundation of all these. However, justice is in our side. Over 600 peaceful people were murdered by Armenians; more than 100 of them were children. I would like to reiterate that this was the most savage crimes of KHKH century. Khojaly massacre, Khojaly genocide – this is how it is called. Today Azerbaijan’s growing potential already allows us to bring all these truths to notice of world community. We have to do this and we shall. Although this issue is already discussed in international organizations, legislative authorities of some countries and governments, Khojaly massacre is already recognized by world community. However, we shall still continue our efforts in this direction. With regard to settlement of the problems associated with refugees and internally displaced persons, government of Azerbaijan shall henceforth make efforts in this direction. We shall take even greater actions this year within investment program and State Oil Fund’s program. At the same time, periodically funds are allocated from the President’s Reserve Fund. These buildings have been built just at the expense of the resources allocated from President’s Reserve Fund. Our countrymen need not worry. All buildings constructed for refugees – both apartments and private houses – will be at this level. Because sometimes as per the information received, internally displaced persons form certain ideas and have certain doubts, when we want to resettle them from unfit sanatoriums and boarding houses. There were such doubts, when these buildings were constructed. Now everyone sees that the conditions here are at the highest level. I mean we have to do all these works at the highest level. Once we had no potential, so there were tent camps. Now tent camps have been removed from the map of Azerbaijan for 4 years already. In their stead such beautiful buildings and private houses have been constructed just at the centre of Goranboy district. We shall continue this policy. We shall strive to the maximum to settle social problems of refugees. We are seriously engaged in generation of employment for refugees, so that situation is this field is also, settled at the highest level. Dear friends, today I once more congratulate you heartily and hope that you will be living comfortably in these apartments. Thanking head of the state for the conditions created and care exercised for them, the internally displaced person, Tamilla BİLALOVA said: Mr. President, allow us, on behalf of the internally displaced persons from Khojaly district, to express our gratitude to you for your care and attention and these wonderful conditions created for us and welcome you. Great works have been done in our Republic recently with respect to improvement of living conditions of refugees and internally displaced persons and promotion of employment. 67 settlements meeting modern requirements have been commissioned. Over 100 thousand refugees and internally displaced persons have been provided with private residential houses and apartments with all conditions. Like all refugees and internally displaced persons, people of Khojaly too constantly feel your care and attention. 4 new settlements have been constructed at the territory of Lower Agjakend of Goranboy district for Khojaly IDPs. New gas pipelines are being constructed for those settlements and natural gas shall be supplied soon. Today part of population from Khojaly temporarily settled in the sanatorium buildings at the territory of Naftalan city are being resettled to this nice residential block. We express our thankfulness to you for these excellent conditions on behalf of the residents of new apartments. Mr. President, this once more proves that Heydar Aliyev, the national leader and worldwide politician had not been mistaken by entrusting future of this nation to you. You created new Azerbaijan, which he wanted and sacrificed his life and health for. Developing Azerbaijan economically, politically and culturally, you turned it into a state with worldwide reputation and recognition. Mr. President, you promised the nation that you would develop all regions and bring them to the level of the centre. Verily the works performed by you today proves that those promises have not remained unkept. Therefore, our nation takes pride in you, relies on you and is proud of you. Mr. President! Beside successful reforms in all areas, you have demonstrated principal and decisive position with regard to liberation of our lands.As instructed by you, anniversary of Khojaly massacre is commemorated in the countries of the world. You have done great jobs with respect to recognition and acceptance of Khojaly genocide by the countries of the world. Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva, President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation and Mrs. Leyla Aliyeva, Vice-President of the Foundation have made special contributions to spreading truths on Khojaly to the world. Foundation is distributing the truths on Khojaly, Khojaly massacre and savageries of Armenians to whole world via the video materials meeting modern requirements. As the person, who has experienced horrible Khojaly tragedy, spouse of a martyr, who lost his life for the sake of our lands, as well as sister of a martyr, I never lose my belief justice and truth. I try to bring up both my children, who were deprived of growing in their birth place under caress of their father, and the school children I teach, in the spirit of patriotism. Living in neighbourhood with our enemies, Armenians has fallen to our lot. Armenians fail to understand that we are condemned to this by Allah, the Almighty. However, we believe that we shall be victorious as a result the policy led by you. We believe in this and live hoping for those days. Mr. President, we believe that you shall return our lands and our Khojaly to us soon. You shall have such nice buildings and schools built in Khojaly. I wish to make one more speech in front of you in the opening ceremony of the school to be built in Khojaly. Mr. President! We are thankful to you on behalf of all people of Khojaly for visiting newly constructed settlement and erected monument on the eve of the anniversary of Khojaly tragedy. Thank you again for your attention and care. We wish you successes and good health in your difficult activities. Thank you for your attention! President Ilham ALİYEV: Thank you, thank you very much! You are completely right in saying that fate has condemned us to line in neighbourhood with Armenians. We know very well from history that Armenians were settled to our lands, to the territory of Garabagh in 19th century, they came as guests. However, later they raised a land claim against us. We are trying to deliver these truths to world community. During past years, sufficient books have been written and articles have been published on this topic. We are also, conveying these truths to world community via other means. This is our land. The word Garabagh does not exist in the Armenian language, it has no meaning. Garabagh’s capital city is Khankendi, not Stepanakert. Stepanakert carries the name of Stepan Shaumyan, head of Bolshevik-Armenian band of robbers. I mean, Armenians would have restored it, if the city had a historic name. All other toponyms reflect the history of Azerbaijani people. This is not a secret for everyone. Simply world community was unaware of this. The impression made on world community was that Garabagh is a historical Armenian land and was included in Azerbaijan in 1920s by somebody’s order. However, we all know very well that this is not so. Armenians have been resettled from certain provinces of Turkey and Iran to that area by the then heads of tsarist Russia. This is a historical fact. An Armenian state, which is present Armenia, has already been established once at the eternal lands of Azerbaijan. Those are our native land, land of our fathers and forefathers. Irevan khanate, Zengezur District – all these names are Azerbaijani toponyms. Even now Armenians admit that the majority of the population of the city of Irevan at the beginning of 20th century was Azerbaijani. These are documents, photos and paintings proving this. An Armenian state was established on Azerbaijani land once and with permission from the then heads of Azerbaijan. You know that heads of the People’s Republic of Azerbaijan presented Irevan to Armenians as capital of Armenia in 1918. Nevertheless, I think that it was a very wrong and intolerable step and today history shows it. If this step had not been taken then, Garabagh conflict would not have arisen. However, it did happen then and historical documents prove this. Well, such an event occurred at the beginning of the century. Now Armenians want to create second Armenian state at the end of the century at the territory of Azerbaijan? We can never let this happen. We shall restore our territorial integrity. With this I do not intend the regions located outside former administrative boundaries of Mountainous Garabagh. Not at all! Nagorno Garabagh is Azerbaijan’s land. Azerbaijan’s sovereignty must apply there. Flag of Azerbaijan must wave in Shusha, Khankendi. This is our goal. Just because of this the negotiations are taking so much time. We can never consent to an incomplete or partially satisfying option so that several regions are returned to us and fate of remaining regions remains indefinite. We can never agree to that. How could this happen? There can be no conversation on trading! This is our land, historical land, eternal land. I repeat that this is proven by historical documents. This is our land from international law point of view. When Azerbaijan acquired independence in 1991, is territorial integrity was accepted by whole world community. It was recognized by the United Nations Organization. Azerbaijan, including Nagorno Garabagh became a member of the United Nations and these borders are recognized by all countries. Even the countries giving political, military and economic support to Armenia and Armenians recognize this. Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity is not the subject matter of negotiations. Our aim is to restore our full sovereignty in those regions and that day shall come. Today Armenia already fails to keep pace with Azerbaijan. There is all the difference in the world between Armenia and Azerbaijan. This difference is manifest everywhere. Armenia’s economy declined 15% especially last year and the crisis in 2009, while Azerbaijan’s economic indexes have increased 15% during two years. Now you see that Azerbaijan’s industrial potential, economic potential and military potential are at incomparable level. We spend on military as much as Armenia spends on whole country, even 50 or 30 percent more than that and this difference shall increase in future. It means time is running in our favour. I am fully confident in this. Some foreign observers and circles try to convince us that time is not running in our favour; this matter should be settled soon. You and myself want the soonest settlement of this issue most. Nobody can wish than more than we do. No foreign consult can wish that. At the expense of what should be achieve this? This is the matter. I am confident that one day we shall fully restore our sovereignty. Flag of Azerbaijan shall wave in Nagorno Garabagh. We shall return to Khojaly and like you said, we shall be constructing more beautiful buildings in Khojaly. We should all the time strive and we are striving to bring that moment closer.
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